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How does choosing your social group - Emo,Grebb,Goth,Chav affect who you are?

OK we all know this subjects one of those that the movie makers of hollywood just like to use over and over again but listen to this for a second. I have the whole long fringe with a bit of black thing going on, and yes atticus gear to go with it so its obvious i'm into the emo trend but that doesn't make a person an emo. I'm digressing already, the point is that as soon as you choose this group thats it. Your tagged with this title until your ready to conform to another. In my town the main problem is between chavs and emo's, there have been quite a few fights and just because of the music we listen to and how we dress. Its all a bit shallow.

Reply 1
If you adopt a specific social group, you are adopting their subculture. That doesn't mean people stay in one subculture all their life, that's totally wrong - so no, that's not "it". Look at all those punks, hippies, mods, etc, that are now the men and women in suits/"normal" clothes, looking like every other middle-aged person, you know? They exit the subculture and move into the culture. But you still see some middle-aged punks and that walking around sometimes.

Anyways, for example, a person who wears gothic clothes - although they may be a happy person - they are generally into morbid things (my best friend was a goth for a goth for a few years, books on depression, morbid looking comics - forgot what they were called, talks about death, etc...). I dunno a definition for goth, but that's what I find.

I've never known any social groups to fight (I actually often see emos and townies/chavs hang out together) - although I'm sure they do, but that sounds hella stupid.
Reply 2
OK we all know this subjects one of those that the movie makers of hollywood just like to use over and over again but listen to this for a second. I have the whole long fringe with a bit of black thing going on, and yes atticus gear to go with it so its obvious i'm into the emo trend but that doesn't make a person an emo. I'm digressing already, the point is that as soon as you choose this group thats it. Your tagged with this title until your ready to conform to another. In my town the main problem is between chavs and emo's, there have been quite a few fights and just because of the music we listen to and how we dress. Its all a bit shallow.


I would say that if you have chosen to associate yourself with a group by wearing their uniform and listening to their music, then you have no right to then say you're not part of that group. It would be like me wearing a Nazi uniform, listening to Wagner and then getting indignant when people called me a Nazi and when Jews got angry with me. You choose your social group and choose the social side effects that go along with it.

People make judgement on you based on the way you behave, or people make judgement on you based on the group you are part of, which is associated with certain behaviours. People perceive emos as crying and cutting themselves a lot, and chavs as beating people up and stealing things. Even if you're a happy and well-adjusted emo, or a pacifist chav, you're going to be associated with the views of your group on first glance.
Reply 3
it affects your life because you are choosing to be a part of a subculture- social group whos norms differ from that of wider society. it affects who you are because you will act in a way that achieves status within that subculture (clothing, behaviour, outlook etc).

IMO there is absolutely no problem with labelling people as chavs, emos etc and judging them accordingly. my trail of thought is that if the individual believes themselves to be a chav/emo etc it means they accept the values of that subculture and are thus pushing themselves away from wider society.
How about do what you want and let ppl conform to you? Pigeon holing yourself is so lame...what are you 14?
Reply 5
I am an extreme individualist and because of that I have no social group. I don't know what goes on in social groups; but it sounds fun and wild.
Reply 6
eh, i no longer belong to a social group :redface:
whats emo and whats grebb
I don't know, is real life really The Breakfast Club?
Reply 9
Don't label yourself.
Don't label yourself.

this. by 'choosing' your social group, you are putting yourself up for everything it entails including the ridicule and abuse.
Reply 11
its not that hard to escape labelling, you know
i did it ages ago...saved me a lot of grief
Use to be a chav, decided to go normal at the start of college. I've matured with this change.
what group is the most sexually attracitve to the unbiased eye ? jw i wud go ermmmmmmm a chemo.
I'd rather not label myself.
Why personally put yourself into a stereotype? :rolleyes:
Ive never belonged to one social group...i seem to get on with everyone somehow
Belonging to a subculture is a bi-product of dressing in a way that fits who you are as a person, not dressing a certain way in order to fit into a subculture.

I think that defines the difference between the adults and the teenagers.
whats emo and whats grebb

Yeah, what's a grebb?
Neither my fashion sense is lackluster if I could fit into any group it would be the detroit hobo I'm not dirty but my hairs somewhat medium to long thick and scruffy looking like ****ing teenage RJ Macready. I also just throw anything on I find in the wardrobe usually the oversized hoodie