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Reply 1
To read someone else's emails?

All I know it's a lot of fun! Do it :biggrin:
not if they don't find out :biggrin:
morality doesnt come into it unless they are injured emotionally by your invasion of their privacy.

do it
Reply 4
To read someone else's emails?

Its wrong because i would be furious if someone read mine. Bloody invasion of privacy.But i have to admit it is fun and i have done it before. So i guess i am a hypocrite
Thing is we all know its wrong, but we do it...its human nature! :smile: If i found something interesting out, i would obviously keep schtum - thats where the line is drawn - although we really shouldnt look at emails - but if the breacher of the privacy keeps quiet, doesn't tell the person in question and vice versa (the person knows no-one has read his/her emails) - then theres no real problem.

Only problem, if something happens as a result of reading the emails - which can happen im sure!

Never done it before. Unless he/she doesn't mind. And yes if it is a partner's there is a trust issue. Haha, anyway, my e-mails are well boring. Have fun reading mine! All my interesting chats happen over the phone; I refuse to talk about serious issues through email/msn.
Reply 7
whose emails are they?! if they're your partners then u must have some trust issues there
Reply 8
oops...sorri lessthan3 ... didnt realise ud sed that...!
Reply 9
if they emails send to just that one person...yes

if they are emails sent to multiple people, then perhaps not

would you open a letter adressed to someone? exactly the same thing
Reply 10
it depends. you probably shouldn't, but i think most people have, and if you have trust issues it can sometimes put them to rest without having to ask the other person. one time i read a boyfriend's emails off an ex, and it basically told me that nothing was going on there and it was all good.
Reply 11
Opening someone else's mail is actually illegal, so if you believe that laws are in place to protect moral guidelines then it's the same thing.

It doesn't matter whether they find out or not - chances are, you'll start treating the person differently once you've read their emails. The damage is already done.

Whatever you tell yourself to justify it, it is an invasion of privacy and you wouldn't want someone else to do it to you - it's not as bad as breaking into their house to snoop through all their stuff, but morally it's not far off.

Why do you want to do this anyway? Can't you just ask them whatever it is you need to know?
Reply 12
my ex-boyfriend's emails..he's up to something and wouldnt tell me. So i took some initutive, however then felt guilty... :frown:
Ive read other peoples emails. Quite boring actually. Especially if its all junk.
I think I'd do it, and I wouldnt mind having it done to me, so all's fair. I think if he was deceiving you wrongfully, and you deceieve him by opening his emails, you've got to remember you wont stand the moral highground when it comes to confrontation time.
Reply 15
Yeh, it's morally wrong. But in this day and age, who cares!
About 10+ people have read one person's emails so far over the past seven days.
Yes it's wrong.
Reply 18
About 10+ people have read one person's emails so far over the past seven days.

It feels wrong though...but it is ****ing hilarious:biggrin:
It feels wrong though...but it is ****ing hilarious:biggrin:

I guess that's why so many people are doing it, for the laugh.