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Best Univ in Uk for MSc Accounting and Finance with my scores?????

Hi friends!

I am planning to pursue my Masters in ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE. I have scored 81.67% in my Bachelors (Commerce) in India and had scores of 89.6% in Class 12 and 10. Had a gap of 3 years though( i was teaching at that time)Could you plz suggest the best univ for the above course for me (my main consideration is JOB PROSPECTS) ??? Thanks in advance!
Reply 1
By the way i had applied to City ( cass) univ but strangely i was rejected. Got offers from Edinburgh, essex, Royal Holloway.
Reply 2
Is there any1 to help??????
Reply 3
Hi friends!

I am planning to pursue my Masters in ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE. I have scored 81.67% in my Bachelors (Commerce) in India and had scores of 89.6% in Class 12 and 10. Had a gap of 3 years though( i was teaching at that time)Could you plz suggest the best univ for the above course for me (my main consideration is JOB PROSPECTS) ??? Thanks in advance!

By the way i had applied to City ( cass) univ but strangely i was rejected. Got offers from Edinburgh, essex, Royal Holloway.

The question is: who did you receive offers from? Out of the list you've stated (Edinburgh, Essex, and Royal Holloway), I'd say: Edinburgh >> Essex/Royal Holloway.

Do you know why CASS rejected you? Did they give a reason? Have you requested feedback?

I would say go with Edinburgh since they're an excellent university and will open a whole host of doors for you.
Reply 4
Thanks for your reply .ACS.

I have also applied to the following universities:

Lancaster (Offer awaited) MSc Finance
Exeter (Result Awaited)- Msc Financial Analysis and Fund Mgmt.
Strathclyde (Unconditional Offer)
Edinburgh (Conditional offer with IELTS score),
Essex (Unconditional Offer)- MSc International Accounting
Glasgow ( Result Awaited)
Royal Holloway (Unconditional Offer)
Bristol, BAth, Reading, Birmingham, Loughborough, Westminster (Result Awaited)

Can u plz rank which one is the best in terms of career prospects (especially for International students) and reputation wise??

Would appreciate your reply, hoping to hear from you soon!
Reply 5
can anybody help???
Reply 6
From your universities I would assume Bristol to be the best, Bath are also pretty decent.
Reply 7
Thanks for your reply .ACS.

I have also applied to the following universities:

Lancaster (Offer awaited) MSc Finance
Exeter (Result Awaited)- Msc Financial Analysis and Fund Mgmt.
Strathclyde (Unconditional Offer)
Edinburgh (Conditional offer with IELTS score),
Essex (Unconditional Offer)- MSc International Accounting
Glasgow ( Result Awaited)
Royal Holloway (Unconditional Offer)
Bristol, BAth, Reading, Birmingham, Loughborough, Westminster (Result Awaited)

Can u plz rank which one is the best in terms of career prospects (especially for International students) and reputation wise??

Would appreciate your reply, hoping to hear from you soon!

If I had to choose a top three out of your list, I'd say: Bristol; Bath; Edinburgh.

If it were me, I'd only consider those three universities, and in that order.
Reply 8
thx for ur help frends. .ACS. i requested cass for a feedback but they asked for an honours degree, i have one but i assume they need a 4 year one.
Reply 9
.ACS. i requested cass for a feedback but they asked for an honours degree, i have one but i assume they need a 4 year one.

You may want to ask what is wrong with your current honours degree, as an honours degree - in the UK at least - is traditionally only three years.
Reply 10
Hi friends!

I am planning to pursue my Masters in ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE. I have scored 81.67% in my Bachelors (Commerce) in India and had scores of 89.6% in Class 12 and 10. Had a gap of 3 years though( i was teaching at that time)Could you plz suggest the best univ for the above course for me (my main consideration is JOB PROSPECTS) ??? Thanks in advance!

Have you considered applying to Warwick?
Reply 11
yes i thought about warwick but i was told by their country representative that they r looking for a person with a degree in economics but i have one in commerce and accounting. Do u think i should still apply??
Reply 12
yes i thought about warwick but i was told by their country representative that they r looking for a person with a degree in economics but i have one in commerce and accounting. Do u think i should still apply??

The people I know who are studying Msc A+F at Warwick do not have Economics degrees. So yes you should. :biggrin:
Conversely the students doing Msc Economics do have Economics undergraduate degrees. So maybe that is the source of the confusion.
What about Strathclyde?

I noticed you applied to the same program I did there, and I am between Strathclyde, Bristol and Bath. Strathclyde seems to be very much respected and well ranked, but I think the others have a better reputation.
I am currently in the process of applying. I realised that this is an old post, but any feedback would be appreciated!

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