The Student Room Group

Cannot get the solution banks in the edexcel books to work.

Hi there,

I have posted this in the technology section but didn't manage to get it fixed so i decided to post it on the maths forum where hopefully someone has had the same problem and was able to fix it.

Here's the problem,
Every CD that comes with the edexcel books work perfectly on my computer running on XP, with one exception the Solution bank.

I have tried to work it on firefox and on IE8 but none of which seemed to work.
Firefox says it cannot open the .xml file and IE does bugger all.

I have installed math player, and have even tried to make it work on the laptop where i experienced the same problem.

Has anyone else had this problem and how have they solved it?


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Reply 1
Have you installed the Solutionbank? i.e. installed the .exe file.

After installing you simply use it as a program, from Start ---> My programs.

It's all very easy.
Have you installed the Solutionbank? i.e. installed the .exe file.

After installing you simply use it as a program, from Start ---> My programs.

It's all very easy.

No, how do I install it?
The only .exe file I found on the CD was one called livetext.exe
and that only opens the livetext box, not anything to do with installing.
Reply 3
No, how do I install it?
The only .exe file I found on the CD was one called livetext.exe
and that only opens the livetext box, not anything to do with installing.

Screenshot the contents of the CD for me.

Edit: There should be a seup.exe file. Double Click it.
If you can't read it, it says:


clicking on livetext.exe opens up the live text box that's on the screenshot.
Reply 6
If you can't read it, it says:


clicking on livetext.exe opens up the live text box that's on the screenshot.

It's working fine dude.

In LiveText click Resources. And then you can scroll through all the stuff they ahve. Just mess around a bit. But it's working fine.
I thought it was just Vista. It completely doesn't work for me either. I tried contacting edexcel, Heinnemann and mathplayer but all with no response! It's bloody useless. Why they couldn't've kept to the old solutionbanks I dunno
Reply 8
I have the same problem - i tried everything! i tried stuff from Technical Support word file, tried changing options of internet, etc. it says it cant open the file. what am i to do?! help!

Thanks :biggrin:
Reply 9
me too.....solution bank works only if IE is the default to open with firefox...
me too.....solution bank works only if IE is the default to open with firefox...

I believe it only works with IE. Is there a help fill , which I guess tells you this.
Reply 11
i lost my cd can anybody send M2 C3 and c4 livetext
Reply 12
This is probably far too late, but I've just discovered if you open the file like above, then go to content, then sb, then content again, and on the first file with an obscure name like fb_87 or whatever, right click it and do open with internet explorer and it brings you to the first page of solution bank.
Took me about half an hour to find a way around resetting my internet options!! Hope this helps someone!
Reply 13
This is probably far too late, but I've just discovered if you open the file like above, then go to content, then sb, then content again, and on the first file with an obscure name like fb_87 or whatever, right click it and do open with internet explorer and it brings you to the first page of solution bank.
Took me about half an hour to find a way around resetting my internet options!! Hope this helps someone!

It helped me! Thanks a lot :biggrin::woo: +rep
Reply 14
This is probably far too late, but I've just discovered if you open the file like above, then go to content, then sb, then content again, and on the first file with an obscure name like fb_87 or whatever, right click it and do open with internet explorer and it brings you to the first page of solution bank.
Took me about half an hour to find a way around resetting my internet options!! Hope this helps someone!

Dude, your a genius, I LOVE YOU [no homo] :biggrin:
Reply 15
Original post by HighFlyah
Dude, your a genius, I LOVE YOU [no homo] :biggrin:

haha I'm a girl so no homo lol. This is such an old thread I didn't think anyone would use it! I actually can't do any of it without the CD so I was fuming when it didn't work!! After a while it started connecting automatically. Glad it helped! :biggrin:
in addition to the last solution, where you click 'open with' and then pick ie, there's a lot of files and doing it one by one is a major pain, but at the bottom of the list of choices after you click 'open with' is 'change default program'
change to ie and it should help - did for me
good luck and fingers crossed for the next month
Reply 17
my m2 solution bank is not working, the site comes up blank to me could any 1 help me?
Reply 18
Original post by HighFlyah
Dude, your you're a genius, I LOVE YOU [noVery homo] :biggrin:


heh :biggrin:
Original post by anna258
OMG. You just saved my life! I have spent literally about a week trying to get solution bank working! :biggrin: utter babe!

No problemo :wink:

You're not from Barnet College Wood Street, are you?