The Student Room Group

Diagnostic radiography @ St.Georges or City university of London?

Hi, i'm really not sure and can't decide even after going to open days which one to decide to make my firm.
I'm going to be staying away from home either way, but City is closer to me.
Course structure is fairly similar from what i've heard and i like both areas.
Only reason i'm edging towards City is because it's in the nearer to central London...Farringdon...and i like the life in central London.

Help would really be apperciated. Thanks in advance!

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thanks again x

I'm doing Diagnostic Radiography at St. George's/Kingston, and am having a pretty good time.

If you do choose St. George's, you'll actually be living in, and spending the majority of time at Kingston. For the first term you have to go over to Tooting for the IFP, which does involve a very early morning bus ride, but is loads of fun!

Central is pretty easy to get to from Kingston Uni. Surbiton station which is pretty close, has 6 trains an hour to Waterloo, the fastest of which only take 18 mins to get there.

Whichever one you choose, I'm sure you'll have a brill time, radiography is a wonderful course! x
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Reply 4
Original post by shortstuffpenguin

I'm doing Diagnostic Radiography at St. George's/Kingston, and am having a pretty good time.

If you do choose St. George's, you'll actually be living in, and spending the majority of time at Kingston. For the first term you have to go over to Tooting for the IFP, which does involve a very early morning bus ride, but is loads of fun!

Central is pretty easy to get to from Kingston Uni. Surbiton station which is pretty close, has 6 trains an hour to Waterloo, the fastest of which only take 18 mins to get there.

Whichever one you choose, I'm sure you'll have a brill time, radiography is a wonderful course! x

Hi there im doing radiography at bham uni, and want to mvove to London. Would they accept 2nd year entry and is the degree actually awarded by St George's?? Also do you get to use all the facilites at both Uni's and what hospital placements do you get?

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