Basic question for Boys who have both there ears pierced, I was thinking of getting mine done with Diamond Studs on either side but im just worried I will get called like "Gay" or "Faggot" or something? Have you ever experienced this?
Basic question for Boys who have both there ears pierced, I was thinking of getting mine done with Diamond Studs on either side but im just worried I will get called like "Gay" or "Faggot" or something? Have you ever experienced this?
So what if people call you gay or whatever, it doesn't make you gay, you sleep with girls, and ear piercing wont change that. If you want to do it, do it, and wear it with confidence.
People can call you gay for anything, nice haircut, take care of yourself, kiss/share a bed with a boy, just ignore it.
But personally, no, I would never get anything pierced.