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Reply 1
Yes I experienced it. I got both my ears pierced and I was a battyman ever since. Theres no turning back.
Reply 2
Please don't. Don't get your ears pierced at all. Guys look so much better without ear piercings

You want me to repat that for you?


Are you a homosexual?

Then it's straight so you must avoid.
Reply 4

It looks awful.
Reply 5
I have just the one pierced (see pic), both suits some guys, not all.
Reply 6
go for it, but just one ear!!!!
Reply 7

Basic question for Boys who have both there ears pierced, I was thinking of getting mine done with Diamond Studs on either side but im just worried I will get called like "Gay" or "Faggot" or something? Have you ever experienced this?


So what if people call you gay or whatever, it doesn't make you gay, you sleep with girls, and ear piercing wont change that. If you want to do it, do it, and wear it with confidence.

People can call you gay for anything, nice haircut, take care of yourself, kiss/share a bed with a boy, just ignore it.

But personally, no, I would never get anything pierced.
Reply 8
Amit, are you tryna become like the ultimate gay asian boy or something?
Okay well piercing your ears dont make you gay

I think it looks damn hot on some guys I know
I have both ears done, put lip bars and shizz in mine.
Reply 11
Depends. Some guys can pull it off, others look gay.
Reply 12
Amit, are you tryna become like the ultimate gay asian boy or something?

Wouldn't you like to know :P...
the diamonte look is something to avoid. even if you get reaal diamonds it looks tacky.
Reply 14
I think it only suits a very small number so its best avoided.
trying 2 be the typical asian bad boy...........
I have both of mine pierced mate, noon called me 'gay'

my mates are not that pathetic...altho i am about 3 times bigger than most people i know so maybe behind my back ay :wink:

i used to have pink hello kitty studs too...then strawberrys... im cool like that you see XD
Reply 17
Wouldn't you like to know :P...

Reply 18
It's not gay, it's uber chavvy. (Gay people tend to have taste.)
Amit, are you tryna become like the ultimate gay asian boy or something?

I think you'll find the term is 'gaysian'

Lol seriously though, if it looks good, do it. If it doesn't look good, don't do it.