I had to apply for hardship funding, as found it impossible to live off £9 week after paying my rent and bills, particulary hard as did not have my HC2 form through and the cost of my regular meds were wiping me out! It was a case of 'hmmm, food or prescriptions?pain relief or food?' I had to wait for quite some time for the money to come through (cannot remember if it was 8 weeks or more?) but it saved my sanity, plus meant my jeans were no longer having to sag through losing so much weight!
Please try for the hardship fund! They should have the necessary papers at reception. You will need photocopies of bank statements for past 6 months, proof of rent, proof of your loans/any uni bursaries etc, but it is worth applying. I am desperately trying to get a job too and can sympathise with you about how difficult it is now.
PS. i have not been able to get overdraft? must be because i never got myself into debt before uni, therefore have no proof of credit history?