this message is an apologie that sent a message to my last thread, someone went into my account and sent that....yes i have broken up with my girlfriend, and yes it has been two weeks....theres this girl in my media class that i like, and she likes me, but i think im kind of rushing it, cuz its been two weeks since i broke up with my EX, but i've lost all care in my EX cuz she didnt appreciate me, and she lost "interest" me....i dont wanna jump into this thing with her, but were goin town tommorw to talk about it, what shall i talk to her baout, like on the relationship basis, not like a presuasion, or like bribe in ...because i aint that kind of a person....but its just confusing...and its like she's liked me before i was going out with EX, so i feel like guilty, and i still like this girl so what shall i do...shall i tell her how i feel about her? i so rubbish at relationships, but im never the bad on ein the relationship, its the girl, the first one enver loved me after 9months, and heard she was goin out with someone else, 2nd one said she loved me, been going out for a year, and when it was aniversay she goes "we weren't even going out"....the next one used me, to get her own back on my cuzun, my ex liked me until 2 months but treated me like m8 after that, and thats it, never treating me i want this one to plz anyone...HELP :questionm