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A levels for PPE at Oxford


At the moment, I am planning on studying PPE at university, hopefully Oxford. However, I am struggling to decide what A levels to take...

I am definitely doing french and economics, probably philosophy & ethics and either history or politics.

I cannot decide between history and politics. I am very interested in politics, however I have heard that at A level it is relatively poorly regarded by oxbridge. Is this true? And if so, would history be a good subject for PPE?

Finally, would philosophy, economics, french and history be a good combination for PPE at oxford?

Any help would be awesome, especially from people studying PPE (at oxford even better!)


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At the moment, I am planning on studying PPE at university, hopefully Oxford. However, I am struggling to decide what A levels to take...

I am definitely doing french and economics, probably philosophy & ethics and either history or politics.

I cannot decide between history and politics. I am very interested in politics, however I have heard that at A level it is relatively poorly regarded by oxbridge. Is this true? And if so, would history be a good subject for PPE?

Finally, would philosophy, economics, french and history be a good combination for PPE at oxford?

Any help would be awesome, especially from people studying PPE (at oxford even better!)


just so you know, you don't need philosophy, economics or politics a-level to so PPE.

tbh, it would be helpful if you could do maths - it's a science, it's recommended I think etc

though your combination is good, I'd say - particulary the history/french, and economics. philsophy is good and you are interested in it - but would 4 "essay subjects" be like too much work.

your choices are good but if I was in your position I would swap philosophy for maths to get:


Reply 2

- Economics
- Maths/further maths if possible
- History
- French
Reply 3
im so academic
just so you know, you don't need philosophy, economics or politics a-level to so PPE.

Surely though, if you didn't do, say politics, then you would be behind those other people who did do politics and be disadvantaged compared to them? They would know more about the subject than you when it comes to the degree.


Also, do you think that history is good/better than politics for PPE?

Thanks for the reply
Reply 4
Also, wouldn't doing philosophy be more relevant and therefore helpful for the PPE degree? Thanks :smile:
Reply 5
I'd personally say: Maths, economics, philosophy, politics/history (both if you can handle it)

Maths is compulsary as far as I know of (because of the economics part). Economics and philosophy provide background knowledge. Politics also does the same, although history is seen as a stronger subject and improves on your essay skills.
Reply 6
maths is good but if you look on there website there are no required ones they suggest maths and history. then on the right under related documents.
the philosophy you do at a level isn't real philosophy
Reply 7
At least for this application cycle, AS Maths was a requirement for Oxford PPE.

Also, I have a couple of friends who are doing Politics at university-level, and it's nothing like the A-level course at all. I can't speak for the other component subjects of PPE, but leaving out politics won't cause you any problems. That being said, it's certainly a strong subject and I absolutely loved it, so it's worth consideration.
Reply 8
At least for this application cycle, AS Maths was a requirement for Oxford PPE.

Also, I have a couple of friends who are doing Politics at university-level, and it's nothing like the A-level course at all. I can't speak for the other component subjects of PPE, but leaving out politics won't cause you any problems. That being said, it's certainly a strong subject and I absolutely loved it, so it's worth consideration.

thats true i was talking to an admissions tutor for ppe and he said that whilst not an official requirement some colleges won't offer you without as level maths
Surely though, if you didn't do, say politics, then you would be behind those other people who did do politics and be disadvantaged compared to them? They would know more about the subject than you when it comes to the degree.


Also, do you think that history is good/better than politics for PPE?

Thanks for the reply

tbh, what counts is reading around the subject as you will be taught different subject. politics is one of those less respected a-levels, but if you like it go ahead. imo, I think that you would not be advantaged as oxford state you don't need to study either three subjects to get in - heck, they stated people with ALL science a-levels got in because of their enthusiasm. actually, I would think that they prefer you not to have it.

also HISTORY is better

take maths if you can
Reply 10
On the Oxford site it says History and Maths at A Level are preferred, so i'd do them and economics and french :biggrin:
Reply 11
thats true i was talking to an admissions tutor for ppe and he said that whilst not an official requirement some colleges won't offer you without as level maths

I hate maths! :frown: If this is the case, then why does the university/colleges state that there are no essential A level requirements?
Also, would you not say that enthusiasm is more important?
At least for this application cycle, AS Maths was a requirement for Oxford PPE.

Also, I have a couple of friends who are doing Politics at university-level, and it's nothing like the A-level course at all. I can't speak for the other component subjects of PPE, but leaving out politics won't cause you any problems. That being said, it's certainly a strong subject and I absolutely loved it, so it's worth consideration.

Really? Well no wonder I got rejected then.

If I knew that I would have done it in my gap year...
Reply 13

- Economics
- Maths/further maths if possible
- History
- French

I agree with this.

-Further Maths
-French/English Lit

I would say those are probably the best because they show versatility, academic abilities and the fact that you an handle a lot of workload and pressure.

Good Luck...:smile:
Reply 14
A-level politics will not help you at all really - history is far better, and as people have said, they also do a lot of maths here in PPE.

being a bit of a right wing **** also seems to help (in my experience!).
I hate maths! :frown: If this is the case, then why does the university/colleges state that there are no essential A level requirements?
Also, would you not say that enthusiasm is more important?

It's not up to us, it's the colleges!

You have to remember there will be a whole stream of exceptional candidates trying for places; the tutors will want to know you are capable enough to stand the maths on the course before they offer you a place.

Do maths AS, you can always drop it.

Outside maths, I would say there are no other essential requirements, just do what you enjoy. If you aren't sure, I would recommend History. (I wish I picked it :sad:)

If you don't believe me, I got in this year doing Maths, Biology and Politics A2 and Chemistry AS from last year.

Personally, I would be wary about doing all 3 strands of PPE for your A levels. You would have to show a high level of understanding of the subject matter, etc, to get a place via interview. I would think it may be more of a hindrance because their expectations of you will be higher.

But that's just my speculation, of course.
Reply 16
I'd go with:


They are very strong subjects and if you decided to change your mind about doing PPE, with Maths, Econ and History you could do pure Economics and probably other things too.
Do five, take Maths as well.
Reply 18
Reply 19
I am on a gap year now and will be doing PPE at oxford in the autumn, from what i have seen and been told by college tutors maths and history are the only subjects that are suggested as ´helpful´but in reality they say it will be had to do PPE without at least an AS in maths. As for doing a levels in eithr politics, philosophy or economics they tell you that the advantage you gain from these is levelled out in th first month or so. You may feel some disadvantage at interview but they do take this into account... I´d say definately maths and history would be good too!