Hi, I wondered if anyone can help me out with this one...
I sent a valentine card this year to a guy, but kept it very lighthearted and jokey and didnt sign it. He found out it was from me and acted all annoyed about it.
Then the week after, one of my flatmates bought a friend home, Dave, and he and I really hit it off and fell for each other.
The trouble is, he lives in london, and I live in Lancaster. I'd happily be his girlfriend but he says we shouldnt commit to a relationship with him being so far away, and that we should just date, rather than be boyfriend and girlfriend. This means we can see other people...he means to move to Lancaster in september, at which point he says he wants to ask me out. He says the only reason we are allowed to see other people is because he dosent want to tie me down. He says he dosent want to see anyone else, and that he intends to still be single when he comes to Lancaster. he just dosent want me to wait for him and turn down other guys.
meanwhile, the valentines guy cycled 94 miles to see me, bought me flowers, and appologised for his behaviour. I told him I was "casually dating" Dave, but a week later he sent me chocolates and said he wanted to "court" me. He's now asked when he can come and visit me, although hasnt said if this is just as friends (we were friends already) or as something more.
I feel guilty about the idea of having two men on the go, even if both of them know the situation. If dave wanted me to be his official girlfriend, I would, but as he's said we can date other people, should I date the valentine guy if he asks? I don't want to lead either of them on.
People say as long as they both know about each other, Im just doing the normal dating thing, but I can see myself getting torn between them and liking them both.