The Student Room Group

I have a really bad headache that is making me really worried!

My head behind my eyes hurt when I move my eyes up, down, left, or right. It also gives me a headache in my lower forehead. The pain seems to be on the top, or behind my eyes

If I look forward, its still uncomfortable but doesn't hurt as much as when I look up or down and to the sides?

It feels like pressure... Similar to sinusitis headache, but different as I don't have a cold.

What do you think it could be? What can I do?

Please help!
Have you had your eyes tested? It could be due to you straining your eyes.
^^ This.
Reply 3
Could be the onset of a migraine.
How long have you had this for? Have you taken anything for it?
You could go the the nearest pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist who should be able to help!
Reply 4
Have you had your eyes tested? It could be due to you straining your eyes.

Yes, and my eyes are completely fine.

Thank-you for the suggestion though :smile:
Reply 5
Could be the onset of a migraine.
How long have you had this for? Have you taken anything for it?
You could go the the nearest pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist who should be able to help!

I've had it since yesterday morning (there abouts) and haven't taken anything for it yet as I don't have anything :frown:
Other reasons could be tiredness, do you have it constantly or after things such as reading or staring at a computer screen?
Reply 7
Other reasons could be tiredness, do you have it constantly or after things such as reading or staring at a computer screen?

It's constant, whether I have my eyes shut or open - like 24/7
Reply 8
I've had it since yesterday morning (there abouts) and haven't taken anything for it yet as I don't have anything :frown:

You should probably buy some ibuprofen. See if it helps, if not go to the doctors.

I had something like this the other week and everytime i looked at light (natural or artificial) it hurt. I think it was to do with my contacts...
It's constant, whether I have my eyes shut or open - like 24/7

Has your sleeping patturn been disrupted a lately? Because it could be due to tiredness.
I've had it since yesterday morning (there abouts) and haven't taken anything for it yet as I don't have anything :frown:

Take two capsules of Neurofen (which is my answer to any pain :yep: ) and go see your doctor about it.
Reply 11
If it continues for a few days, go and see the doctor.

I had this problem, and was referred to the hospital for checks (ct scan etc). Turned out I have migraines. They put me on medication, and I haven't had one like it since :smile:
Reply 12
If it's a blinding pain that has been happening since yesterday, it is highly likely that it could be a migraine, if you start to feel nauseous then i'd reccomend migrulieve (available from a pharmacist), if it just continues to be painful, ignore ibrupofen and neurofen and get some co-codomol again available over the counter in a pharmacist.

I get migraines quite frequently, which is a real real pain, and co-codomol sorts me out a treat :smile:
Sounds like a migraine...i hate them. Nurofen are the only things that work for me. Do you feel sickly, dizzy or have neck ache etc as this can be a sign of migraine too. It can also happen when staring at a computer screen. In the interests of not being accused of diagnosing over the internet 'if it doesn't clear up see your gp'.
Reply 14
Do you have more then one of these symptoms?

High fever
Severe headache
Stiff neck
Dislike of bright light
Confusion and irritability
Muscle pains, stomach cramps and diarrhoea
Cold and pale hands and feet
A rash that doesn’t fade under pressure?
Reply 15
Hey Dude, I've suffered from similar headaches in the past! Symptoms I've experienced include things like: Huge amounts of pain when I move my eyes, my eyes and head feel like it's under alot of pressure and the headache throbs very badly.

I got these headaches sometimes just sort of randomly, or after I have exercised alot without breathing properly like lifting large weight without breathing. Personally what I have done when experienceing these headaches is try to get out of the light, a dark room it probably best as lights and TV just seem to make it worse! Also taking a hot shower, or a long warm bath I have found just made me feel a bit better aswell, and then just sleeping. Now I know these aren't massive things, and probably make no medical sense but it's worked for me.

You should probably see a doctor aswell :smile:
Reply 16
My head behind my eyes hurt when I move my eyes up, down, left, or right. It also gives me a headache in my lower forehead. The pain seems to be on the top, or behind my eyes

If I look forward, its still uncomfortable but doesn't hurt as much as when I look up or down and to the sides?

It feels like pressure... Similar to sinusitis headache, but different as I don't have a cold.

What do you think it could be? What can I do?

Please help!

It sounds like a migraine.
I am suffering with the same thing right now and don’t know what to do I have been in holiday and traveled in car a lot I have taken one tablet that’s all
Original post by Erin Rose
I am suffering with the same thing right now and don’t know what to do I have been in holiday and traveled in car a lot I have taken one tablet that’s all

Rip this thread, old af. Anyways go to ur gp they will give ur sum meds which will reduce this from happening