The Student Room Group

Studying Abroad (USA) from Leeds Uni

The Worldwide scheme requires students to pay approximately £800 to the University of Leeds towards tuition for the year abroad, and nothing to the host institution. Unfortunately, there are no grants available similar to the Erasmus grant.

If this is true then WOW! Didn't expect that at all. £800 for the year is unbelievable, especially with a student loan coming in. Am I missing something?

Here is the list of universities available. I am going to be studying Electronic and Electrical Engineering, so some will not be open to me.

I also created a thread on /trv/ if anybody would like to see their advice:

Important Factors (ordered):

Good Education

House Parties

On Campus

Student Community

Friendly People

Any recommendations on which University to choose?

I'm a bit stuck with this one so I really appreciate all the help I can get.
How about University of California? You might as well go as far west as you can! I am applying to Leeds and really like the idea of studying abroad.

Have you decided where you want to go yet?
Reply 2
I found this the other day and it's swayed me slightly onto studying in Leeds still.

I'd apply to UC with preferences to Berkley, Penn State, Mcgill, and NC.

That would be an absolute dream.
Reply 3
That's just your tuition fee though, I think on average you need £8000 for a year before you fly!! I looked at 2 uni's and found they both said the same thing - I need to prove that I have £8000 whether it's from me, my student loan or my family before I can go. Covers accommodation (our maintenence loan should help there), living expenses, insurance and usually flights.

Do your research on the universities over there, a few of them that are on offer are 'commuter colleges' which means not many people live there and if they do they tend to go home at weekends. California is expensive to live in and is competitive to get into seeing as everyone wants some Californian sun lol. North Carolina would probably be a good choice for you :smile:
I'd suggest either Penn State, Arizona State, or U of California...but beware with the latter that you may not end up at one of the more desirable campuses since it says that UC chooses for you.
Reply 5
Illinois, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech are far and away the best EE schools on the list.

NC State and RPI also have very good progams, but NC State is a lot more fun.

Penn State's progam is the weakest of these, but it's a great school with a thriving social scene.

Illinois, Penn State, and NC State would be my recommendations.
Reply 6
I've also heard that the RPI is having some major problems due to the poor handling of the economic situation by the current administration, and that the engineering classes there are being slashed due to the fact that they are letting some of their non tenure-track faculty go.
Reply 7
I'm a 1st Year Undergraduate and I'm starting to think that applying to study in USA or Canada might be a fantastic opportunity. I study Human Physiology and I like the look of;
UofC (LA, SD, Berkley and SF)
UofT (Canada)
Arizona State

I've heard that some LEA's pay for 2 return flights so you can come home for Christmas and Easter.

Does anyone have experience at any of these Uni's. I'm really looking at info on the Accom and how it is compared to the Self Catered Leeds Uni Accom.
Reply 8
I'm a 1st Year Undergraduate and I'm starting to think that applying to study in USA or Canada might be a fantastic opportunity. I study Human Physiology and I like the look of;
UofC (LA, SD, Berkley and SF)
UofT (Canada)
Arizona State

I've heard that some LEA's pay for 2 return flights so you can come home for Christmas and Easter.

Does anyone have experience at any of these Uni's. I'm really looking at info on the Accom and how it is compared to the Self Catered Leeds Uni Accom.

I don't have any first-hand experience, sorry, but the accommodation or housing details can be found on the individual websites, for example Berkely - Housing and Dining or UCLA - Housing.

Just be sure to search for housing and not accommodation, as that seems to be the terminology used by US schools and colleges. :smile:
hey at the moment i as studying at NC state. so far i love the university and the people are amazing, the area is very nice and relaxed. the only thing that is the problem is there isnt an awful lot to do in Raleigh. the city its self is rather small for what we would think of as a city. if your looking for relaxing university then consider NCSU but if you want to be somewhere really busy then u want to consider somewhere else
Reply 10
Hey, I know this thread is a bit old, but I have a question and if anyone knows, I would appreciate if he/she could help me.
I am going to be studying Mechanical Engineering at Leeds and I was reading at the Year Abroad page that in the Engineering courses, the grades that you achieve in the US, will count towards ur degree grade. Is this accurate? And does anybody know if I can do the 4th (from the MEng) year there? Thank you in advance:biggrin: