The Student Room Group

what careers will a degree in human biology get me?

I have applied for medicine but still dunno if i'l gonna get an offer from leicester until end of april.
I have a back up plan to do "Human Biology and Anatomy" at Liverpool uni but what career would I have after this degree?
I know one thing for certain is that I do not want to end up in a lab doing research all day as that would in my opinion be very dull.
So will this degree help me get a job elsewhere? for example in the financial industry e.g. bank etc
please reply thanks in advance
Reply 1
I'd say teaching. Most people who do biochemistry and the like end up teaching GCSE and A levels. Research can be brilliant- it just depends what you are researching!
Have a look at the websites linked to in the stickied thread:smile:
Reply 3
I have applied for medicine but still dunno if i'l gonna get an offer from leicester until end of april.
I have a back up plan to do "Human Biology and Anatomy" at Liverpool uni but what career would I have after this degree?
I know one thing for certain is that I do not want to end up in a lab doing research all day as that would in my opinion be very dull.
So will this degree help me get a job elsewhere? for example in the financial industry e.g. bank etc
please reply thanks in advance

There are literally hundreds of possibilities if you wish to have a career within the biological sciences but outside of that I am not so sure (never looked into it personally).

I wouldn't imagine a human biology degree would particularly make you suitable for a career in banking but then having a degree in any subject puts at any advantage about the average population.

Best bet is to talk to the careers adviser at your school.