The University of Manchester (FG31-Maths and Physics) Conditional offer (F - Firm acceptance) (AAB) The University of Warwick (FG31-Maths and Physics) Conditional offer (I - Insurance acceptance) (AAA)
Could i ask why your insurance has higher grade requirements than your firm?
Opinions from people that never post in the Mathematics forum are not really highly regarded.
i think you should at least respect what people ask for, whether they post in math forums or not. besides, the link u gave shows that log ln and lg are confusing, so u should use the less confusing term, i.e. ln for natural log., log for base 10 , and log(2) for base two. coz this is the least confusing way. because ln is only used for natural log., log is used for base 10 on the calculator, and log(2) is obvious to mean base 2.