The Student Room Group

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Well I thought they would all be really clever; erm and they were.
Reply 2
We're a little bit rah.

(Well, we are)
Reply 3
The typical stereotype of an oxbridge student.
An oxbridge student is a member of a gradually evolved cult of tastelessness, vulgarity and criminal/anti-social behaviour.
Typical oxbridge students roam in identically dressed packs and individuality of thought and action are violently discouraged.

A typical oxbridge student will have the following appearance:
'brand name' trainers, usually Nike or Adidas.
Baggy jeans or tracksuit bottoms.
'Hoody' hooded sweatshirt, brandnames include 'Von Dutch'
Padded jacket, usually 'branded' Helly Hansen or similair
Baseball cap, Counterfeit Burberry or non-official 'England' are favourites (especially of students of balliol college, oxford)
Large chunky gold or silver jewellery. Cannabis leaf motifs are popular.
Closely cropped/Shaved head.

Culture: Oxbridge students will hang about in groups outside offlicences and convenience stores, drinking alcohol, smoking 'weed' and acting in a manner generally intended to intimidate members of the broader public. Other activities include smashing bottles, joyriding, burglary, mugging, setting off fireworks, destroying bus shelters/telephone kiosks etc.

Oxbridge students are fond of music, their favourite types being 'gangsta' and hip-hop, favourite "oxbridge" endorsed artists include Eminem and 50 Cent and The Streets.

Oxbridge students do not communicate using normal English language, having developed their own language that consists on unintelligible mumbling, monosyllabic grunts and outbursts of expletives, often with a faux Jamaican accent.

Oxbridge students aspire towards crime (e.g. Nick Griffin leader of the BNP, a cambridge graduate). The more Court appearances an oxbridge student has then the higher up in pecking order of his peer group he is. A criminal record (also known as an "oxbridge blue" = respect, the more pointless and violent the crime commited, the better.

These students are a drain on Societys resources and will never make an effective contribution to society (unless you count creating multiple single mother families). Because of this I would suggest that some sort of 'cleansing' be initiated by a future government. Sealed rooms and carbon monoxide might be useful tools to employ.

The above is based on personal observation on recent open days at balliol college oxford and at peterhouse college cambridge, and not on any preconceived stereotypes or snobbery. The students are proud to be known as such and I have seen graffiti saying 'Balliol rules'. Unfortunately, oxbridge students are not confined to being undergraduates and there are many oxbridge students aged 35+, their idea of 'dressing up posh' for weddings/court appearances etc being to temporarily wear a River Island sweatshirt instead of a normal sportswear brand one.

Hope this has helped you in anyway.
Reply 4

'Hoody' hooded sweatshirt
Closely cropped/Shaved head.
Oxbridge students are fond of music, their favourite types being 'gangsta' and hip-hop, favourite "oxbridge" endorsed artists include Eminem and 50 Cent and The Streets.

Oxbridge students do not communicate using normal English language, having developed their own language that consists on unintelligible mumbling, monosyllabic grunts and outbursts of expletives, often with a faux Jamaican accent.

OMG, when did you meet me?

Reply 5
how witty.
Reply 6
stereotype? the only one there is is what u have in your head; in reality, there isn't one. look at the people around you who are 'normal' and still manage to get really good grades at alevel. oxbridge students are just like them.
Reply 7

The students are proud to be known as such and I have seen graffiti saying 'Balliol rules'.

i thought the kind of graffiti you're likely to find in oxbridge places are daft things like long chain polymer molecular structures?
sure i read that somewhere
Reply 8
I had my first encounter yesterday of the Oxbridge stereotype of a loud, drunken idiot in a punt quaffing Pimm's. Sadly it was me. :frown:
Reply 9
i thought the kind of graffiti you're likely to find in oxbridge places are daft things like long chain polymer molecular structures?
sure i read that somewhere

Yeah, someone spray painted the molecular structure of guanine onto either Downing Street or Free School Lane (not sure exactly where) in honour of something or other (presumably DNA-related). Unfortunately apparently it was wrong. :eek:
The only Oxbridge graffiti I can remember is "Utopia is in you" written somewhere in Oxford.
White, middle-class, wears glasses, speends all day in the library, attempts to bee cultured by going to the theatre

Oh S**T - it's me.

Yeah, someone spray painted the molecular structure of guanine onto either Downing Street or Free School Lane (not sure exactly where) in honour of something or other (presumably DNA-related). Unfortunately apparently it was wrong. :eek:

Wrong or right it is extremely pretentious :biggrin:
Reply 13
People are always going on about the Oxbridge stereotype, so what do people think it is and what have people's experience of Oxford and Cambridge done to reinforce or undermine these deeply entrenched views of these universities?

Joking apart, I think a few months on these rooms will do much to dispell thoughts of stereotyping for Oxbridge or any other uni.

Apart from the possibility that the Oxbridge type might be above average intelligence (allegedly), and they are likely to be seem in their relative cities term time, there seems little to seperate them from other students.
White, middle-class, wears glasses, speends all day in the library, attempts to bee cultured by going to the theatre

haha I'd fit right in then :wink:

These students are a drain on Societys resources and will never make an effective contribution to society (unless you count creating multiple single mother families). Because of this I would suggest that some sort of 'cleansing' be initiated by a future government. Sealed rooms and carbon monoxide might be useful tools to employ.

Genocide back in fashion, is it?
Reply 16
stereotype? the only one there is is what u have in your head.

I agree: James is the stereotype, and he is most clearly still in our heads... :wink:
Reply 17
People are always going on about the Oxbridge stereotype, so what do people think it is and what have people's experience of Oxford and Cambridge done to reinforce or undermine these deeply entrenched views of these universities?

look on oxford gossip and theres a whole forum full of stereotypes.
I went to Oxford today and everybody was lovely :biggrin:
Reply 19
I went to Oxford today and everybody was lovely :biggrin:

That's because the students have all gone home now! j/k...

A. :rolleyes: