The Student Room Group

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Yichung, I've been told we don't get any choice whatsoever, and we shouldn't expect a nice room in our first year.
about fridges: some people I know have mini fridges, but we're not really allowed them. if you have a reason for needing a fridge in your room (ie you're vegan, or need halal or kosher food separate from other people) then they will let you have one. about first year rooms - I expect that if you need a low rent band then you could request one and they would sort that out for you but otherwise there isn't any choice in the matter. the vast majority of freshers live in new court, although every year a few get nicer rooms (these tend to be people with matric offers, although not always) that people in other years have left in order to take scholar's rooms. new court isn't that bad anyway - it's class 4 (out of 9)!
Reply 22
I've heard that after your first year, accommodation is decided according to examination results. Seems pretty harsh to be honest. Does anyone currently there know if this is true?
it's sort of true. everyone goes into a random ballot in the first term of the first year (although you can nominate one or two other people you want to be drawn out with), and rooms are chosen in ballot order (the 2nd and 3rd year room ballots are separate). once exam results come out, people who get firsts can opt out of the rooms they've chosen and take a scholar's room. so it's not as if you get a rubbish room for getting a third, just that you get rewarded for doing really well.
Reply 24
Ah...I received this funny letter bout being a Cambridge scholar....heck if I know what it means.Lol.But does that mean I can get a better room? *looks hopeful* Man...exams are over,tis hard to believe, and I have no idea what I will do in the next 3 months or so. And the Cambridge subforum is now flooded by all the new aspiring applicants of 2006-2007. All gearing up to follow in the footsteps of their inspiring seniors.*Points at You, You and You!*
Ah...I received this funny letter bout being a Cambridge scholar....heck if I know what it means.Lol.But does that mean I can get a better room? *looks hopeful* Man...exams are over,tis hard to believe, and I have no idea what I will do in the next 3 months or so. And the Cambridge subforum is now flooded by all the new aspiring applicants of 2006-2007. All gearing up to follow in the footsteps of their inspiring seniors.*Points at You, You and You!*

They probably weren't using 'scholar' in the same sense it's used here. You have to have taken cambridge university exams and got a first (or starred first) to be a scholar.
Reply 26
yichung, are u talking about the overseas trust?
Reply 27
Re: fridges, there was this email from the JCR (dated 12/2/2006):

Dr. Bowkett has recently decided to allow the use of mini fridges in rooms. However, most widely available models do not cool to a specified temperature, but cool to 20 degrees below the ambient temperature. This means that the temperature of the fridge cannot be guaranteed to be below 5 degrees, especially in the summer. Therefore, these fridges should only be used for drinks and NOT for dairy products, meat products, ready meals etc. College doesn’t want you all to get food poisoning!!
No. Why should it be?
Reply 29
One third was what I thought it was, although I don't have any data to back that up.
One third was what I thought it was, although I don't have any data to back that up.

I'm pretty sure the Christ's profile page in the Cambridge prospectus says so.
I'm pretty sure the Christ's profile page in the Cambridge prospectus says so.

It does:
The College offers at least one third of places on ‘easy offers’, usually subject only to satisfying the University’s basic matriculation requirements. To qualify for such an offer, applicants need to have a strong academic record and be making outstanding progress in their current studies. Easy offers are made to applicants, from schools and colleges of all types, able to attend interviews in Cambridge. There is no special procedure or interview and all applicants are considered automatically for such an offer. Other applicants, not selected for an easy offer, are likely to receive a realistic offer.

That's taken from here on the Cambridge website:
As far as I'm aware no other college makes such offers.
are there really no TV's allowed?!
Reply 34
TVs are not allowed in rooms, no.
why not?
Reply 36
As this is now an official Christ's thread I will try to build up more information for future applicants, if you have got anything to add please pm me.

Current students
lightning13 (medicine)
seashellstar (physical natsci)
crafty bison (geography 1st yr)

06 Christ's applicants
713 Economics
lucho22 MML
Jerby History conditional offer (AAB)
[COLOR="Lime"]menzoberranzen PhysNatSci offer with the requirement of a gap year
aka chloe veterinary medicine
Rich b music conditional offer+choral scholarship (AAAB)
pure joy biological NatSci
Alatariel bio NatSci
Petro bio NatSci
Kicky medicine conditional offer (EEE+sitting of 2 AEA's)
sufiankane engineering condtional offer (AAAA or AAA+distinction)
suneilr physical NatSci
Phiola don't know
Mazzacre maths and physics conditional offer (EE+sitting STEP 2+3)
iylink maths
gazzed economics conditional
CgpC Philosophyconditional offer (AAA)
davidt compsci conditional offer (EE)

ComebackQueen Law
char67 medicine conditional offer (AAA)
Sarah.M Law offer
x-jordo-x Law offer(AAAA)

upshine Economics
Dark and Lovely Law
Sophilcfc BioNatSci (AAAA)
Zhi Yang Chemical Engineering (AAAA)

Congratulations everyone

Useful information:
admission statistics:
profiles of oxbridge applicants:
great post from angry medic in case the outcome of your application is not quite as you wished it to be (well, at the moment it seems as I am the only one who can complain...)

oh, and maybe someone could explain to me how you cover the webadress with whatever you want to describe it with.
Reply 37
What is now the big interviews thread used to basically be a Christ's thread - it was stolen from us I tell you!! :mad:
Reply 38
How dare are they...
Good luck with your interview in a few days. Are you well prepared?
Reply 39
hmm I'm not sure.. I'm also dubious as to how much preparation helps - i've done the reading...thought about the books.. - but I really don't think filling my mind with loads of facts and quotes is going to help my cause.. So i'm going to try to relax and contemplate rather than study furiously over the next few days... I'm more confident than last time around. How about you?