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Reply 60
As a preparation, I'm reading two books and I'm going to read the last "Nature" issue as soon as I get to London. I've revised biology and I hope I'll manage to learn the necessary scientific vocabulary until my interview- I've never studied any subject in English. I have a general interview with Dr. Bowkett too - looks like all the Christ's applicants do.

Did you go by train to Cambridge? How can I get to the college from the train station? And how long does it take?

In my letter they said it takes about 30 min if you walk.

I think most general interviews are conducted by Dr Bowkett as he's the Admissions Tutor for Christ's..

good point..:smile:
I was just wondering because then he would have to interview round about 450 people. In that case i wouldn't like to be in his position.
Reply 61
I've applied for medicine at Christ's and had my interview a couple of weeks ago :smile: Just got to wait til January now...
i have applied for engineering and 3 interviews on 12th december
Reply 63
Hmmm... there seems to be a disproportionate number of Christ's applicants on here. Don't know what that means though...
It means that Christ's is the BEST. Its so quaint and beautiful, not like the ugly monstrosities that are trinity and kings :p:
Wow, so many Christ's people here and yeah Christ's is the best. :smile: I hope everyone's interviews went well. I don't know how you feel now (with all the anxiety of getting an offer) but being here now I can say that I really enjoyed my interviews!

About interviews, it really doesn't matter when you are interviewed. I was the only person interviewed on my day that was accepted. On another interview day, there were three people accepted so it really is pretty random.

Look forward to seeing the medics and vets here next year, you'll really enjoy it! (I'm a medic btw). Let me know if you have anymore questions.
Reply 66
I applied for Physical Natural Science. I've already had my interview although I'm still confused as to what the lack of technical questions meant:confused:
I was wondering the same thing. Seeing as I flew from Canada, maybe the interviews were a mere formality (I know, not likely:p:)
Reply 68
i got interview on it seems no use to prepare any more..too late...i just wondering what kind of questions will be asked in general intervew?will it still about ur subjects?btw,hav u who applied for phy natsci got the interview about design an experiment?is it difficult?
Reply 69
Well,it's bizzare that you didn't actually have a subjects interview - had they written in the letter, that you were going to have only one interview, or just decided not to give you a subject interview when you came to the college?

I wonder what experiment I'll need to design - it is a really common task at Polish biology exams and we practice it a lot at school so I hope it's going to be something similar
Reply 70
no,i got one subject interview abt experiment....and then a general interview,and then another subject interview with dr.d.norman...don't know what's that one abt...
I got one subject and one general, but not many actual science questions. Though I mucked one of them up:mad:
I wouldn't worry about that too much to be honest. Many of my Natsci friends here messed up one of the interviews (although they did amazingly well on the other).
Reply 73
I'm an applicant for Maths and Physics at Christ's. Got 4 interviews on the 6th! Really looking forward to them, although there's not much I can think of to prepare except learning, reading and a few STEP papers.
Reply 74
Applying for maths at Christs with interview on 15th December...

2 maths interviews and 1 general one...

Just curious... what's the difference between the two maths interviews??
Reply 75
I got one subject and one general, but not many actual science questions. Though I mucked one of them up:mad:

What actual science questions did you get? I was just asked about areas of science I found interesting. Nothing that really had a right or wrong answer:confused: I'm guessing the lack of technical qs means they've either rejected me straight away or accepted me straight away. probably the former.
Reply 76
Wow...theres loads of 'Christ-ians' this year
Interview on 7/12...only 2 1/2 weeks to go! WOO!
Good luck everyone
Reply 77
OMG~~~it is coming~~~tomorrow~~~my interview~~~being nervous already~~~
Reply 78
There are loads of us; want to form a society, anyone? :rolleyes: It would certainly have more members than some out there.
Reply 79
great idea, how do you form one?