The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Good question!
So far I've only been to Mildert's (obviously), Aidan's and Hatfield's.
I'd like to think I'm being fairly objective when I say that my college's ones are the best out of those! Mildert has the biggest dining hall in Durham, and when it's at full capacity (which is quite often) and everyone's in suit/dress having a merry ol' time, the atmosphere is pretty special. Sometimes they get a bit rowdy, but there are no fines and general conduct is enjoyable for all. We're allowed 1 bottle of wine each purchased from the bar, and drinking games really depend on your company.

As for the others:

Pros - They have fancy dress, themed formals a certain number of times a year which I like the idea of - they probably spice things up a bit; also I got the impression they were quite liberal.
Cons - Hall is nothing to rave about.

Pros - very unique in terms of their traditions which makes it interesting; you can buy your own wine (which means you could get cheaper wine than bar prices).
Cons - their uniqueness was for me, novelty factor only* - I think it would get boring if I went to Hatfield formals regularly; really harsh fining goes on; too much emphasis on 'the' drinking game - and too many rules for it too... dunno, maybe it was the company.

*I say this particularly in reference to the 'spooning' ritual which went on, rather repetitively for about 20 minutes =/ .
Reply 2
I suppose another con of Hatfield formal is that there are Hatfielders there.
Reply 3
At Castle formal there is corking, which was always fun. Some people moan that you can't stand up, but if you need to leave you can as long as you ask permission - people would rather you did that than were sick in the hall or something :tongue: As long as you go to the lo beforehand you won't need it during dinner either, provided you don't down a jug of water at the start. We were always allowed one bottle of wine and you could bring your own, but i think towards the end of my final year they made it compulsary to buy from the bar beforehand...any current Castlemen correct me on this one. If it was someone's birthday you were allowed champers and to sing happy bday if you ask permission etc. Basically - remember to ask permission and don't be rediculously rowdy and you'll be ok wrt fines at Castle.
I'm biased but I'd say the atmosphere at Castle formals is probably the best if that's your kind of thing - everyone stands for high table, latin grace etc and it's in the Great Hall, which is amazing to eat in.
Reply 4
Castle and Hatfield aren't bad. John's is really good!
Trevs. They make you pay in three pence coins.
Reply 6
I have only been to Hild Bede's and Castle's, but from that experience and what I've heard about other colleges' I'd say Hild Bede's. And that includes the food. Hild Bede is formal but not overbearingly strict, with fun drinking games but not ridiculous, and the tables are round which is pretty sociable. You dress up but you don't have to wear gowns and there is just a great atmosphere. The food is AMAZING most of the time, too. The only downer these days is that the principle doesn't know how to make short speeches :frown: Also, the hall isn't amazing, but you don't really notice once you're sat at your beautifully laid tables with your friends.

P.S. I wouldn't have said this a year ago - I always assumed our formals were a bit so-so!
Reply 7
Someone should organise a TSR formal.

There, I've said it. Idea in pipeline.
Reply 8
Where will it be held?
Reply 9
Reply 10
Someone should organise a TSR formal.

There, I've said it. Idea in pipeline.

Good chat at the DSU meeting. I voted on your side, but it seems everyone thought we were nasty bullies :confused:
Reply 11
Good chat at the DSU meeting. I voted on your side, but it seems everyone thought we were nasty bullies :confused:

You were there? I think I know what you look like, but alas, I didn't recognise you.
Cheers though; maybe we'll meet again!
Reply 12
You were there? I think I know what you look like, but alas, I didn't recognise you.
Cheers though; maybe we'll meet again!

I only just noticed this post :confused:

Yes, I was there. But I didn't see you except when you stood up to say your bit. And maybe at the end. At one point HMK came over to chat. In case you saw him standing at the end of a table, he was probably standing next to me.