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No. Long is lushhhh.
Are you joking?

Short legs are not good.

Long legs are so damn sexy.
I don't mind, and it really depends on the girl. I know this girl who has short legs and she's really cute
Reply 4
Reply 5
As long as they're sexy, it's all good.
id rather long legs but if shortlegs are nice and toned and that and not fat/skinny wheres the problem?
Reply 7
These guys are deluded.
There's absolutely not a problem with shorter legs.
Petite girls are hot.
Especially if you're sporty then honestly, better than long legs.

I mean, who wants a gangly girl with her legs floppin' all over the place?

Ignore these *****.
no1 likes short legs, . its definitely all about long legs.
Reply 9
Ah man, I have short legs! :frown:
Reply 10
As long as they ain't chubby its all good
Reply 11
if toned yes
Its all about proportions. Short legs and longer body. Short Body and longer legs and they could easily be the same height.
Reply 13
no1 likes short legs
What do guys think of short legs on girls (say 28 inch on a 5ft/5ft1 height girl) you know the sporty kind of legs but short? Can they be as attractive as long legs or do you prefere long really? Or do you not care about leg length?

they're not short, in proportion to your height? :confused:
These guys are deluded.
There's absolutely not a problem with shorter legs.
Petite girls are hot.
Especially if you're sporty then honestly, better than long legs.

I mean, who wants a gangly girl with her legs floppin' all over the place?

Ignore these *****.

think your deluded one, we're talking about girls whos legs are long in comparison to thier body..... no1 want a girl to be stumpy, mayb you're into that kinda thing
Reply 16
as long as the have a good shape and tone/colour its all good.
I hate these kinds of questions - what purpose do they serve? Are you feeling insecure about your own legs? Because if you are, then this is not the place to go looking for reassurance.

Men are men. They'll shag anything with a vagina at the end of they day, so having short legs is neither here nor there. It really does not matter in the scheme of things.

A guy will find you attractive if you're confident about what you've got and who you are. The more insecure you seem, the less attractive you will be to them. So stop asking stupid questions and just get on with your life.
Reply 18
These guys are deluded.
There's absolutely not a problem with shorter legs.
Petite girls are hot.
Especially if you're sporty then honestly, better than long legs.

I mean, who wants a gangly girl with her legs floppin' all over the place?

Ignore these *****.

Agreed here.
Reply 19
i'd love to have shorter legs! i can never find jeans that fit me *sigh*

i've always thought girls with shorter legs are better, being petite n all