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are you stressed?drinking enogh fluid?allergic to stuff?

drink water and eat dry toast for one day and see how you feel.
I felt the same way a couple of months back. It wasn't really health related as i felt fine. I just couldn't keep anything down, and it lasted about 3-4 days :confused:
It could be for reasons such as stress or something else affecting you. I felt like that a while ago when I was very upset!!
Reply 4
well I'm so stressed and been like that since a month ago,but recently I started having this vomiting thing,I don't throw up actully,but I just feel like doing it,like I feel like throwing up yet I only ate cheese and bread as dinner since about 4 hours ago :confused: though i eat verywell and I don't feel like that stright away just awhile after eating
Reply 5
Sounds like anxiety to me.
Reply 6
I've noticed after each meal I feel like throwing up and the feeling stays for hours,it's like food didn't reach my stomach but instead it's stuck in my throat,sometimes it feel like you know when you vomit and feel a slight burn or something in your throat it's like that whenever I eat something though I'm not bulamic and wasn't:confused:

I have exactly the same problem :frown:
I try and stop it but it happens after almost every meal, gets to the point where i just have to stop eating and sumtimes i am sick.
Sumtimes it also feels like i cant swallow properly but ive noticed that happens when im stressed and nervous but i cant find a way of getting rid of b4 my driving test ... it felt like sumthin was stuck in my throat and i just cudnt eat, was horrible...GOD im sorry if thats totally grossed anyone out! :redface:
i've had it happen a few times, but only to specific foods, and it wasn't for hours. I always thought it was simply to do with eating too fast or something, but to be honest, i don't have a clue.
Reply 8
Yes, it does sound like anxiousness. Before my music exam recently, I knew I had to eat breakfast, and I had to force it down, but then I just felt so ill afterwards.
Check it isn't an allergy though. Is it with specific foods or all foods?
Reply 9
I think it's stress and anexity. When I am nervous I feel sick and don't want to eat. Often when I am in a stressful situation and eating it makes me feel sick and I have a stomach's just a way of showing stress. Try sipping water before eating, then taking your time with your food not forcing it down. Leave it 30mins then sip more water afterwards.
Reply 10
I think it's stress and anexity. When I am nervous I feel sick and don't want to eat. Often when I am in a stressful situation and eating it makes me feel sick and I have a stomach's just a way of showing stress. Try sipping water before eating, then taking your time with your food not forcing it down. Leave it 30mins then sip more water afterwards.

i'll try that,I can't stop my self from stressing:frown:
Reply 11
Oh, and take deep breaths too, to make yourself less stressed. Then eat slowly. :smile:
Reply 12
i'll try that,I can't stop my self from stressing:frown:

Me neither :smile:

Some useful things..Bach Rescue Remedy, you can buy it in Boots. Drops on the tounge or put it in water and sip. Calms you down really well.

Lay flat on the floor and tense each part of your body from your feet to your head in turn and then relax it. Then think about a nice warm beach, or a warm bed, or somewhere you feel comfy, and just think about nothing for 10mins. Then repeat the tensing/relaxing pattern and then get up and see if you feel any better.
Reply 13
You could also try getting those tapes which relax you, that imagine you walking on a becah. Hard to explain, but I have used them and they do make you feel relaxed. Classical music may help. Some pulse points like lavender may help, the smell makes you calmer. 'Natural' CDs - like whales, and stuff like that, also soothing. Hope this helps :smile:
Reply 14
Sorry, another thought but if you like them then bananas are supposed to help you be less anxious. :smile:
Reply 15
I actully noticed I've became very emotional lately like silly stuff can send me weeping,can stress cause that too??
Reply 16
I actully noticed I've became very emotional lately like silly stuff can send me weeping,can stress cause that too??

Without a doubt yes. When I get stressed I am very irritable and my emotions go way over the top. Have you got exams coming up or has there been a big change in your life recently that could be putting you under stress? That could be a cause..
Reply 17
Hi Habosh,
I just PMed you, but it does sound like stress, a few months ago, I ended up crying because of the smallest of things. Any other 'symptoms' you have had?
Reply 18
Without a doubt yes. When I get stressed I am very irritable and my emotions go way over the top. Have you got exams coming up or has there been a big change in your life recently that could be putting you under stress? That could be a cause..

Don't know how old you are but apparently it's very common amongst teenage girls (I always feel sick and can't eat when I'm stressed or anxious), but it doesn't usually last more than a day or two. :smile: We'll supposedly grow out of it by the time we're 18 when most of the hormonal changes in teenagers have occurred!! :rolleyes:

I always find listening to music I like helps, or going for a run. Just do anything that gets you away from the studying or whatever it is that's stressing you. If you still feel the same after a few weeks, a trip to the doc's might be in order as you may have depression.
Reply 19
Yes, exercise is good, it produces feel good hormones.
I would definitely go to the doctor as Nikki says if it has been going on for a while, or somebody like a councillor who you can talk to.