The Student Room Group

Retaking my 3rd year at uni?

Just a question i wanted to ask you guys. I've been studying Computing at Leeds Met since September 2006. I initially signed upto a Foundation Degree which i successfully passed. I then chose to stay for the top up year to get a full honours degree in June. However, this year has been awful and i've already failed 4 of my modules :frown: The first two modules i failed, the uni have said i can resit and the deadline for that is in late April. The other two i recently failed about a week ago. I'm gonna email my tutor now and ask her if its possible if i can retake this year starting from september 09. The reason i failed 2 modules was because i chose advanced software development and i regret that as i hate c#, c++ and java and don't understand it! :confused: The other 2 were just down to leaving the work till the last minute. Do you think i'll be able to retake my top up year? Thanks.
Reply 1
hi. I am in a simular situation to you. I was wondering if u have sorted anything out yet and weather you are able to retake a top up year? cheers.