The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I'm -2.something and -3 i think
I shall be finding out soon enough... Opticians 2moro... :frown:
Reply 3
Hi, Daz.
Reply 4
I don't know the numbers for my glasses... but I do know I'm virtually blind. :biggrin: 30cm is my maximum range, and then only if I squint. Beyond that everything is blurry...
Reply 5
mine's -2.75 in one eye and -3 in the other. Its gradually got worse, hopefully it'll settle before i become registered blind :smile:

2 5 +
Hi, Daz.

how do you know its him?
Reply 6
btw, i thought you could only go up to -9 and then you are registered blind?
perfect eyesight :biggrin:
Reply 8
Reply 9
-5 in one eye and -5.25 in the other I think.....

Reply 10
-2.25 in one eye and -2.00 in the other.
About -4. There's a girl I know at uni who is -13, and one of her retinas detached last term! But I'm nowhere near that shortsighted.
Reply 12
Damn... i can't find my prescription but its pretty bad.
-5.5 -5.75 *cries*
Reply 14
Wow, and I thought I was bad!
how do you find out? my optician never tells me! :-s I'm really bad at remembering to wear my glasses, I wasnt diagnosed for years and years so I got used to the world as I see it :-) I think a soft focus is pretty :-p
Reply 16
I'm 0.25 something. :p: Basically there's no point in me having glasses but writing gets blurry if its more than a few metres away.

My boyfriend is -9 I think...practically blind! :eek:
Reply 17
i recall being told i had 6/20 vision. i have no idea what that translates too seeing all the other people posting -5 this -6.25 that.

im quite short sighted though.
i didnt even kno they had numbers for sight
My left eye is -1.75 and my right is -3.