The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Glasgow is known for being particularly fast at replying, I received my offer just six days after applying.
Reply 2
They don't send acceptance letters either so the first you'll hear is on Track.
Reply 3
Hi all

How long did you guys get an offer or not from Glasgow uni after you got your acknowledgement? Im applying for the accelerated law course so not sure if that works differently, some unis seem to give you an answer really quickly and others take ages. Anyone who has applied to glasgow how long till u got a reponse?

It took them less than two week to give me my offer but my brother has applied to the same course as you and I think that it was about a month until he got his offer.
Reply 4
Hi all

How long did you guys get an offer or not from Glasgow uni after you got your acknowledgement? Im applying for the accelerated law course so not sure if that works differently, some unis seem to give you an answer really quickly and others take ages. Anyone who has applied to glasgow how long till u got a reponse?

I submitted my UCAS in December and heard back around about mid February last year, if I remember correctly. You should hear back from them pretty soon. Good luck!
Glasgow replied to me within a week - good luck with your application, I'm sure they'll reply soon! ^^
it took about two weeks.. I'm sure you'll hear something soon :h:
Reply 7
It took them less than two week to give me my offer but my brother has applied to the same course as you and I think that it was about a month until he got his offer.

Hey EildhM

Many thanks for the above reply.

Bit fo a werid question but going to ask it anyway. I got my offer through for glasgow uni accelerated law and I am taking it. I was wondering if ur bro is taking his offer and if he knows of any reading we have to do. I have tried to scope out other people doing this course but most of them seem to be in late 20's early 30's , im only 24 be cool to find a few people in my own age bracket.


Are u going to do law aswell??
Reply 8
Hey EildhM

Many thanks for the above reply.

Bit fo a werid question but going to ask it anyway. I got my offer through for glasgow uni accelerated law and I am taking it. I was wondering if ur bro is taking his offer and if he knows of any reading we have to do. I have tried to scope out other people doing this course but most of them seem to be in late 20's early 30's , im only 24 be cool to find a few people in my own age bracket.


Are u going to do law aswell??

Ye, he has put glasgow as his firm and strathclyde as his insurance. He said that he doesnt know about any reading that you have to do. He's 22 so at least there will be someone about the same age as you :smile:

Have you put glasgow as your firm?

Nope, I'm going to be studying chemistry with maths as St. Andrews.
Reply 9
Ye, he has put glasgow as his firm and strathclyde as his insurance. He said that he doesnt know about any reading that you have to do. He's 22 so at least there will be someone about the same age as you :smile:

Have you put glasgow as your firm?

Nope, I'm going to be studying chemistry with maths as St. Andrews.


thanks for the reply

Glasgow is my firm as it was an unconditional offer, plus I live in the west end so perfect walking distance.

Thats cool there will be someone in my age bracket was getting a little concered.

St andrews is a fantastic uni I have a few friends who did medicine there and loved it. Be sure to check out the awesome resturant next to the cinema.
Reply 10

thanks for the reply

Glasgow is my firm as it was an unconditional offer, plus I live in the west end so perfect walking distance.

Thats cool there will be someone in my age bracket was getting a little concered.

St andrews is a fantastic uni I have a few friends who did medicine there and loved it. Be sure to check out the awesome resturant next to the cinema.

Ye my brother said that at the open day there was only a couple of other people who were about his age so he was getting worried as well. His offer is conditional as he is still at uni.

I visited in December and just loved it. I cant wait to go. Thanks for the tip about the restaurant.
It took around about a month for them to get back to me.