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Reply 1
1-2 weeks i think, possibly 3 if u have it bad.

one of my friends had it over new years :frown:
Reply 2
It varies. I think your only contagious for a few days but the virus stays in your blood stream for years. I had it for 4 months when i was 19. I couldnt eat and couldnt drink and ended up in hospital becasue I was so dehydrated. I had it reallt badly and needed tsteroids to clear up the infection. I also felt exhausted all the time and couldnt walk very far becasue it was so tiring,
Reply 3
Hmm, wish I could give advice, but I don't think I'm the best person for it seeing as I didn't even know I had it until months after I first got it. And it kept reoccurring, so watch out for that.
Reply 4
Hmm, wish I could give advice, but I don't think I'm the best person for it seeing as I didn't even know I had it until months after I first got it. And it kept reoccurring, so watch out for that.

Yook 4 different docs to diagnose mine but its really difficult to diagnose as it usually looks like bad tonsilitis.
Reply 5
I had it and I was pretty bad for a couple of months. And I get recurrances of it like other people have said. Makes me sleepy :frown:
Reply 6
Yook 4 different docs to diagnose mine but its really difficult to diagnose as it usually looks like bad tonsilitis.

That's because it is, only viral not bacterial, and affecting your whole body. I was lucky with mine, the first doctor I went to sent me straight ot the hospital for the blood test :smile:
Reply 7
mine reuccured a year later... was all fun :rolleyes:

lou xxx
my sister had it and started coughing up pools of blood, :eek: and went to hospital for the night, but that was ages ago and shes fine now :smile:
Reply 9
Mine lasted about 6months last year and whenever you get run down it comes back.
Reply 10
i just found out i've got it. woo! not :frown: :frown: its gonna make doing my exams even worse now. i'm not a happy bunny :frown:
Reply 11
i just found out i've got it. woo! not :frown: :frown: its gonna make doing my exams even worse now. i'm not a happy bunny :frown:

Put it in as mitigating circumstances.That might help you out some
Reply 12
Put it in as mitigating circumstances.That might help you out some

oh yeah, cheers. forgot about that. how do i do that? do i just ring up my doctor?
Reply 13
I had it and I was pretty bad for a couple of months. And I get recurrances of it like other people have said. Makes me sleepy :frown:


Around times of stress, like exams mine seems to come back. It's never as bad as it was, but it makes my throat hurt and makes me very sleepy. Does that mean I can still pass it on?? :confused: Because I don't like the idea of no kissing!
Reply 14

Around times of stress, like exams mine seems to come back. It's never as bad as it was, but it makes my throat hurt and makes me very sleepy. Does that mean I can still pass it on?? :confused: Because I don't like the idea of no kissing!

lol, yeah i think you can. it stays in your blood for ages apparently.
Reply 15
lol, yeah i think you can. it stays in your blood for ages apparently.


Reply 16


lol, i wouldn't worry. it can be treated pretty easily most of the time anyway. don't not do things because of it. :p:
i just had my blood test for it today. yey! fun. i passed out. :redface:
Reply 17
oh yeah, cheers. forgot about that. how do i do that? do i just ring up my doctor?

Yeah you'll need a doctors note and talk to personal tutor/head of year
Reply 18
My girlfriend had it, after a couple of months she came into college and just fell asleep :/ she'd come for half an hour and sleep. An interesting point for you there. :smile:
when my sister had it she started to cough up pools of blood and my other sisters bf rushed her to hospital