The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Ok my little sister has start got a new boyfriend. She told me she and her bf never goes out. She only see him at college or 20 mins on the way home. The bf she was seeing before him was her first serious bf. She was asking me weither her standeds were to high wanting to go out. She told it's doesn't feel like they are not going out and she should dump him. I didn't know what to say to her. :frown: :confused:

Well if she not happy or comfortable in the relationship then maybe she should end it before it gets dragged on. How long she been with him?
At end of day you can offer advice but she needs to make her own decisions.
Reply 2
tell ur bf u wanna go out and have some fun... if he says no hes not right 4 u
clearly you guys arent going out cos whre have you been? sure he's never had a gf, so its up to u to take him out. ask him to a film/restaurant and if he says no, dump him
Well if she not happy or comfortable in the relationship then maybe she should end it before it gets dragged on. How long she been with him?
At end of day you can offer advice but she needs to make her own decisions.

i second lynseyweth
Reply 5
clearly you guys arent going out cos whre have you been? sure he's never had a gf, so its up to u to take him out. ask him to a film/restaurant and if he says no, dump him

i didnt have my first proper official date with a girluntil i was 16... we had always gone into town b4 with m8s or as m8s... and i had no idea, so i went for shopping==> boaring, so then movies is good to relax and mess around, but i find old school stff like bowling, walks/picnics, u just need something where u dont need to generate conversation constantle... i tried to be adventurous and went for coffee and just hanging round in town recently and it didnt go well
Reply 6
I've been with my boyfriend three years and we didn't go on a proper date until about 8 months into the relationship - it wasn't boring though. xx
Reply 7
say to her it sounds like your situation
and she sounds like you
Hmm yeah but If i don't what to for me, how can I help her?
Hmm yeah but If i don't want to for me how can I help her.

What? Is anyone else confused???
Reply 9
What? Is anyone else confused???
What about? :confused:'s funny because to be "going out" no longer means to actually be going "out" places on dates and such to most people. A lot of couples just go to each other's hosues and such rather than actually on dates, But if they arent spending any time together at all thats kinda a shame...comunication is definately the key, maybe he's too shy to ask her anywhere?
What? Is anyone else confused???

i think it's her situation and she's just pretending to ask about it for her sis. otherwise why doesnt her sis post on here?

im gusing this frm her other threads.

dump the moron. if u only see him at scvhool how r u going out
Reply 12
i think it's her situation and she's just pretending to ask about it for her sis. otherwise why doesnt her sis post on here?

im gusing this frm her other threads.

dump the moron. if u only see him at scvhool how r u going out
because my sis hates messages boards and right now she hasn't got a computer at my father's, Plus if she knew she would kill me for posting this.

if u only see him at scvhool how r u going out :confused: :confused: :confused:
is she/u still at school?

cos if so, that isnt really going out. they just walk around holding hands and say yea we r going out, mayb snog in the lunch break.
however in a 'proper relationship' you are not necessarily at school together everyday so you need to go for drinks/coffee/meals etc to get to know one another.
and at school he might not be working so cant afford take u out anyway.

so yea you are going out wait til u are older for the good stuff :worm: and use protection
Reply 14
is she/u still at school?

cos if so, that isnt really going out. they just walk around holding hands and say yea we r going out, mayb snog in the lunch break.
however in a 'proper relationship' you are not necessarily at school together everyday so you need to go for drinks/coffee/meals etc to get to know one another.
and at school he might not be working so cant afford take u out anyway.

so yea you are going out wait til u are older for the good stuff :worm: and use protection
I'm at college, she in the last year of school, her bf is in sixth form.