The Student Room Group


OK my friend has just been told that he has shingles. He thinks it first appeared last thursday, now so far he has been off from college all week but he said he is feeling much better and will come in tomorrow.

Now this worries me because I have never had chicken pox, and I know in cases like mine you can catch it from someone with shingles, but you catch an ''advanced'' version and could die.

He swears the only way I could catch it is by physically touching his rash but I am not so sure, surely it is spread through the air aswell?

ANy help would be appreciated!
Reply 1
My Dad got diagnosed with shingles just today.

He says it isn't contagious. And in most parts of the body it is harmless anyway. *shrug*

Edit: Quick websearch throws up this site which states:

Is shingles contagious?
Shingles is not contagious. Shingles occurs only when the virus in a person's body becomes active. Contact with an infected person will not cause shingles. However, although shingles is not contagious, contact with a person with shingles could lead to chicken pox in someone who has never had chicken pox and has not received the varicella vaccine.

No worries
Reply 2
contact with a person with shingles could lead to chicken pox in someone who has never had chicken pox and has not received the varicella vaccine.

yeah exactly! I havent had chicken pox before. It doesnt make it very clear how I could catch it, physical contact? Breathing airbourne bacteria?

Please help someone!
Reply 3
i think the only real chance of you getting shingles is if you have a weakened immune system, e.g. if you're suffering from HIV.

however I am not a doctor, so if you're concerned i'd go to your GP. Look on NHS Direct too.
Reply 4
Briefly, if you have never had chickenpox then you can catch it from a person who has shingles, as both are caused by the same virus. Unlike chickenpox, where the virus can be transmitted by coughs/sneezes, with shingles the virus can only be transmitted through direct contact. It will not be an "advanced version" of the virus - just one whose progenitor has spent a few years residing in your friends nerve roots!

The CDC has good articles for the public on most diseases. Here's the one for information on VZV infection: - .
Reply 5
Briefly, if you have never had chickenpox then you can catch it from a person who has shingles, as both are caused by the same virus. Unlike chickenpox, where the virus can be transmitted by coughs/sneezes, with shingles the virus can only be transmitted through direct contact. It will not be an "advanced version" of the virus - just one whose progenitor has spent a few years residing in your friends nerve roots!

The CDC has good articles for the public on most diseases. Here's the one for information on VZV infection: - .

Thanks for the info, but what do you mean by ''direct contact''? DO you mean actually touching the shingles rash?
i remember i had shingles, well it was infectious and it caused me terrible pain. i was like 14 and was quite a healthy (catching hardly any colds etc) so i dunno how i got it. anyway im scarred for life because of this on parts of my right arm, left leg and bum (lol). i blame it on da the doctor because he couldnt simply diagnose it - gave me tablets which he said would work. didnt feel a thing. different doctor just have me this anti bacterial cream and it worked. you'd think cream would come before the tablets? anyway no one caught it in my school. i had no days off! :biggrin:
i remember i had shingles, well it was infectious and it caused me terrible pain. i was like 14 and was quite a healthy (catching hardly any colds etc) so i dunno how i got it. anyway im scarred for life because of this on parts of my right arm, left leg and bum (lol). i blame it on da the doctor because he couldnt simply diagnose it - gave me tablets which he said would work. didnt feel a thing. different doctor just have me this anti bacterial cream and it worked. you'd think cream would come before the tablets? anyway no one caught it in my school. i had no days off! :biggrin:

You are wrong to blame the doctor.
Shingles is a VIRUS. All the antibacterial cream in the world isn't going to bother it. An amount of anti-viral tablets though might. However, I'm always dubious when people claim to have had shingles at this young age. Its bloody rare if you havent got underlying immunosuppression (so organ transplants, AIDS etc). And shingles is very distinctive, forming a very precise area no matter where it is. If you get it on your face for instance it will be on left or right side, but nearly never both.
I thik alot of people like to use this word shingles to describe a damned annoying rash or cellulitis (bacterial infection of the dermal layers) which is wrong.

So to original poster, if it REALLY is shingles (which i very much doubt) don't touch it and you'll be fine.