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Reply 1
I think people may be fascinated by topics relevant to physics but are put off by its difficulty. I'm looking to study theoretical physics at university next year and when I tell this to people they immediately have this sort of disgusted reaction LOL however it also gives them the impression that I'm very intelligent so it's worth telling :woo:
Reply 3
Well I didn't really enjoy physics because I thought it was too hard, and some bits I found boring.

I think you should do what you want at uni, don't let other people put you off. If you want to do Physics, do Physics, it's hardly like it's some unacademic doss degree!
by its stereotypical image of it:

einstein, electricity gone wrong!, evil people (i.e. creator of frankenstein for some reason :rolleyes:), too much maths, "geeky", difficult etc

btw, do what you want to do! physics is VERY respectable. at least is not as competitive as medicine :wink:
I hate physics because I find it very boring, not because I'm scared of it. Although, I did find the astronomy unit vaguely interesting.
Reply 6
I really liked learning about the origins of the universe and astrophysics etc, but the rest I found really dull, and since it was incredibly difficult to understand it just made me hate it. However if you love it, that's great- keep studying it.:smile:
Because they find it hard and boring. Personally i find physics incredibly boring partly because of my old science teacher.

They are just suprised that you enjoy it when most people don't/find it too difficult so don't be insulted by it. Though it probably gets annoying after a while. If you want to do physics then do it don't be disheartened by other people's opinions.
I used to enjoy Physics and thought it was interesting, and I'm still interested in planets and stuff like that, but GCSE Physics was probably the most boring subject I've ever done and I completely hated it!! I done ok, but it's so boring learning about half-life and electricity and stuff like that.
Reply 9
Jack Sparrow
"You want to do physics? OMG or err you want to do physics?

Yeh unfortunately you do get this reaction a lot.

Jack Sparrow
Surely they're on the same level.

I live with 2 medics, I actually have to do FAR more work than they do :s-smilie:
I know that feeling all too well.
I just smile, and look a little ':h:'-ey though, scares them all even more.
Reply 11
my teacher from school pretty much put me off....she was abit weird =/
I dont understand it mainly because i find it boring so only study it for the sake of my exams. I recently went to a physics show and my opinion changed so my distaste could be because of the way our science lessons are taught. Im only interested in the parts to do with the universe.

Still reluctant on pursuing it though, i cant make a decision based on something that was planned to be entertaining.
Reply 13
im so academic
at least is not as competitive as medicine :wink:


Surely they're on the same level?

No, people who take medicine are fahgs.
Because its too hard and they don't find it interesting. At High School very few people liked Physics. We had a dull classroom with dull looking exercise books and horrid teachers. So that put a lot of people off.
Girls may be put off because its seen as a male kind of thing. Others may be put off because you just hear how hard Physics is!
Reply 15
because we ARE knowledgeable about physics, and thus know how boring, dull, confusing and ridiculous it can be, thus feel entitled to pounder why one feels the need to subject themselves to it.
Reply 16
If you're never introduced to the more interesting topics in Physics, then GCSE doesn't exactly sell it well. Even up to A-level, most of what's taught is mundane and doesn't engage the imagination, so it's not surprising that most people find it boring.
Reply 17
Some people just don't understand the true beauty of Physics
Reply 18
Some people may find it difficult, been taught poorly or not have an interest in. I respect Physics for what it has done for us etc., but I'm glad it's not one of my 3 choices for A2.
Reply 19
I hated the GCSE, but was persuaded to come back by post school studies. Also you have to be at least slightly good at maths, and some people suck. Also careers in physics are not as easy to come by as in the other big two, and the pay isn't colossal either from what I hear. Although if the shortage continues that might change.