The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I always get ill after vaccinations as well :frown: I don't think there's anything (evidence wise) to suggest why. Must be placebo-esque.
Reply 2
Wow TOYL - in that case getting your Hep B injections must've really sucked :frown:
I always get ill after vaccinations as well :frown: I don't think there's anything (evidence wise) to suggest why. Must be placebo-esque.

or maybe you react to the adjuvant?
Reply 4
I ticked the yes box for a flu jab at uni and never went because I am a wimp. Strange you have a reaction to injections..I've never known of anybody that did but obviously it does happen!
I have yet to have my MMR, Polio or Dipheria jabs... anyone know if they hurt?? :confused:

Im not scared of them, I think Im just lazy really... :rolleyes:
I have yet to have my MMR, Polio or Dipheria jabs... anyone know if they hurt?? :confused:

Im not scared of them, I think Im just lazy really... :rolleyes:

ANY jabs...

Of course they hurt, its africking needle going into your arm. The thing is tho they hurt a damned sight less than if you stubb your toe, or bang your head etc, so think of it in terms of input output. input 15 seconds of pain (plus a few minutes of dull throb) and get out peace of mind and immunity against horrific diseases.
Or you can spend a week or so looking like a hamster in pain.

choices choices choices...