The Student Room Group

Forgotten PIN - possible to request new one over the phone/online?


I bank with NatWest and have recently, for the second time in a fortnight (!), managed to forget my PIN. Next time I get it, I'm changing it to something memorable straight away! Anyway, I was just wondering whether it's possible to request new PIN codes either over the phone or online (request to have them posted to me, I mean - I know they can't tell me the code!), rather than having to physically go into a branch. This is partly to save me having to give up half a day to get there when I have crazy amounts of work to do, but mostly because I'm a bit embarrassed at having to go in there again with the same problem! If it is possible, could someone please direct me to the relevant number to ring or section of the site to go to? I've had a look around but haven't managed to find anything...

Thanks in advance! :smile:
Reply 1
I think so.
If you ring the lost card number on the back of your card (what a stupid place to put it??) they can probably help.
Reply 2
That should be fine. You can also do it on some cash machines (I know you can for Halifax), just put your card in, hit reset pin and they send you a new one in the post.
Need help my brother has forgot his pin for Halifax card
Reply 4
Original post by Tara 2019
Need help my brother has forgot his pin for Halifax card

The above advice hasn't changed much since 2009.

I'm closing this thread.

Posted from TSR Mobile