The Student Room Group

MBA - Imperial Vs Lancaster

Hi All,

I have been offered a place on 09/10 MBA programs at Lancaster (LUMS) and Imperial College Business School (earlier..Tanaka).

I have seen all the rankings national and international, and honestly after reading a lot on forums and comparing the rankings i do not want to base my decision just on the rankings.

so please help me decide. I am from IT background, 5 yrs experience in banking and financial services sector. I want to continue in consulting with concentration in finance and strategy.
And like most students i am looking for a good educational experience and post-MBA opportunities.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

warm regards
Reply 1
Reply 2
Lancaster offers a very good MBA programme, but the Imperial name is much better to have on your CV IMO. :smile:
Reply 3
imperial...dont even need to consider the other
Reply 4
Thank you very much to everyone for their responses.

well I have chosen to go ahead with Lancaster. After a thorough research (online, reviews, and speaking with alumni, friends etc.) i have decided to go ahead with Lancaster. many plus points for Lancaster management school as compare to Imperial college business school:

1. Lancaster b-school is highly reputed for personal and professional development.
2. It is equal in terms of post-MBA job prospects and industry exposure as compared to imperial
3. Lancaster has a more rigorous and intense curriculum
4. Three opportunities, as compared to only one at Imperial, for a real-time project based activity, that spans the whole one year. Hence more learning, more networking opportunities etc.
5. It is equal in terms of number of faculty with doctorate degree.
6. It has much less tuition fees, more scholarship opportunities, Quieter countryside, much cheaper accommodation

plus i have not heard very well of, especially, the business school at imperial college.

I want to get the maximum out of what I pay, and Lancaster seems undoubtedly the best option.

This is my my view, i am sure others are as right as i am.

Thanks to all again.
Reply 5
i woudlve gone imperial
Reply 6
Imperial for me as well... well, it is really personal preference!
Lancaster, easily. Imperial is strong in science but Lancaster is also strong with business-type qualifications.
Thank you very much to everyone for their responses.

well I have chosen to go ahead with Lancaster. After a thorough research (online, reviews, and speaking with alumni, friends etc.) i have decided to go ahead with Lancaster. many plus points for Lancaster management school as compare to Imperial college business school:

1. Lancaster b-school is highly reputed for personal and professional development.
2. It is equal in terms of post-MBA job prospects and industry exposure as compared to imperial
3. Lancaster has a more rigorous and intense curriculum
4. Three opportunities, as compared to only one at Imperial, for a real-time project based activity, that spans the whole one year. Hence more learning, more networking opportunities etc.
5. It is equal in terms of number of faculty with doctorate degree.
6. It has much less tuition fees, more scholarship opportunities, Quieter countryside, much cheaper accommodation

plus i have not heard very well of, especially, the business school at imperial college.

I want to get the maximum out of what I pay, and Lancaster seems undoubtedly the best option.

This is my my view, i am sure others are as right as i am.

Thanks to all again.

jojo you have done right. you did what you wanted to do, and from what I know Lancaster buisness school is a fine place to study above that of IC.
I am glad that you have not pandered to prestige chasing (even thogh tanaka aint that good).

I am at IC and my GF was at Lancaster, I can firmly say that you will find a more supportive atmosphere of learning at Lancaster, and you will achieve better things. PLus it really is an excellent course. good luck.
Reply 9
Thank you everyone for your views and guidance. I wish good luck to everyone on their quest for success and happiness.
lancaster anyday
Lancaster MBA is doing well in the league table and graduates are doing well getting the kinds of jobs they wanted. Just to put this in perspective, I recently read a success story about a Lancaster MBA who revolutionized auction house Christie's logistics and has been transferred to New York City to do the same. He says he couldn't have done it without his Lancaster MBA. You can read more of his story here
Reply 12
Hi jojo_MBA..I came across your thread while researching on Lancaster MBA vs Imperial MBA. Thanks for the very useful information.

I suppose you have completed your Lancaster MBA by now? Just wondering how did you find it and how it helped you in your career? What are your employment prospects after the Lancaster MBA?

If you were to choose again, will you still pick Lancaster MBA over Imperial MBA?

Thanks very much in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Reply 13
If you are a non-UK student (isnt everyone on an MBA?) then choosing Lancaster over Imperial would be strange. You want to go with the one with the best international reputation.

Imperial might not be a top tier business school but at least some people will have heard of the Imperial name. I doubt Lancaster has much name recognition outside the UK.
(edited 9 years ago)

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