The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Sounds like a bladder infection. You could either go to the doctors for stuff to clear it up, or drink loads of cranberry juice...that sometimes works.
Hey, i've recently been having some pain after sex, it feels like its in the bladderish region and is a dull ache. sometimes get it when i pee too, tho not all the time.
any ideas? foolfarian?

why PM to direct me to a thread, you coulda just asked directly...

Anyways, sounds a bit like prostatitis - infection of the prostate gland. This might be an STD, but not necessarily, it can sometimes just get infected. Either way simple fact is it needs checking over by a doctor. They will dipstick your urine (mid stream urine too, so no point just taking in a urine sample) to look for anything, and also want to give you a PR (put finger up your rectum to feel if the prostate is enlarged) to maek sure all is in order.
They might also 'milk the prostate' No this isn't sexual, basiclly they get you to pee a bit, then stop, then they rub the prostate, then you complete your peeing. the idea being they can check if theres any pus/blood cells in the prostate fluid.

Go to the doc asap, and get it sorted, they might forgo the exam, and give you some antibiotics to try and clear it first

Sounds like a bladder infection. You could either go to the doctors for stuff to clear it up, or drink loads of cranberry juice...that sometimes works.

might be, but Rome is a guy - bladder infections are much more a girl thing. Plus pain after ejaculation is quite indicative of prostatitis.
I'd say water infection (do guys get those?) or sumet with ur kidney. See dr n drink lots o water
Guys do get water infections... because Tom Hank does in GREEN MILE :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 6
Hey, i've recently been having some pain after sex, it feels like its in the bladderish region and is a dull ache. sometimes get it when i pee too, tho not all the time.
any ideas? foolfarian?

Do you get any discharge? That's usually the tell-tale sign of a serious infection. If you do, then no question about it.
Infections, as far as I know, would make it hurt more when you pee than when you ejaculate, especially if it's a urinary infection.
Maybe you do have a prostatic infection, that would be more likely or... it could just be your prostate playing up a tiny bit. Are you sure you haven't been overstraining yourself? If it hurts, just give it some rest.
cut it out
Reply 8
cut it out


Harsh dude...:p:
Reply 9
Male cystitis? Not as uncommon as you'd think. Def a doc visit.
Reply 10
Hey, just wanted to say big thanks for support, particulary foolfar. You were right on the button, it was prostatitis. They gave me 2 different courses of antibiotics to take and say i should be back to normal in a week or so.
You ever considered taking up medicine as a career? :biggrin:
Reply 11
You ever considered taking up medicine as a career? :biggrin:

Hey, just wanted to say big thanks for support, particulary foolfar. You were right on the button, it was prostatitis. They gave me 2 different courses of antibiotics to take and say i should be back to normal in a week or so.
You ever considered taking up medicine as a career? :biggrin:

One is glad to be of service.
this thread made me not feel so good! *cringe*
Reply 14
Crap - my boyfriend has been complaining of pain after we have sex sometimes - it's not all the time, just every now and again. I told him he should go to the doctors. He doesn't have a STD before people start telling me that. *toodles off to tell him about prostatisis*