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Reply 1
shall be condensing all my notes so far - methinks that shall be enough for me however long it takes...
Reply 2
i do about 7 give or take. It depends i revise topics, not time periods.
I might spend half a day on revision.
I don't break up until the 11th of April, and then I'm going on holiday for 9 days, so I won't be able to do a lot. I have the long weekend for Easter, and at the moment I'm doing 1.5 hours a night during the week and 3 hours a day at weekends. When all my homework and coursework dies down a bit, I'll double this.
I don't break up until the 11th of April, and then I'm going on holiday for 9 days, so I won't be able to do a lot. I have the long weekend for Easter, and at the moment I'm doing 1.5 hours a night during the week and 3 hours a day at weekends. When all my homework and coursework dies down a bit, I'll double this.

Coursework should be ending soon as most coursework deadlines are sometime after easter (I think in May time).

It's quite strange that you break up until the 11th. Easter is already over. Most of us are on holiday now, and go back to school on the 11th.

When you are on study leave, would you still study 1.5 hours a day or double the amount? :p:
How many hours will you guys be doing? i think 6hrs a day is safe for good grades.

6hrs a day?! Really? I promised myself that this time around I wouldn't leave it till the last minute but I think I'll be pleased with myself if I get 6 hrs revision done in a week, let alone a day!! :p: :smile: How do you fit everything else in?
6 hours is a lot. I'm assuming 2 hours each for 3 A-levels then.
Reply 8
We were told 3-4 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for GCSE and 4-5 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for As and A2
We were told 3-4 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for GCSE and 4-5 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for As and A2

I usually do that amount of hours when studying for A-levels. I could spend the whole day if I wanted to.
All my teachers did recommend starting revision over Easter when I had progress reviews with them all (do other people have those too?) but they didn't specify how much, I think they probably trust us all to get it done for when we need to by now. (Or they just don't care, which is a slightly more worrying thought!) It is always good to have guideline amounts for each day though. :smile:
All my teachers did recommend starting revision over Easter when I had progress reviews with them all (do other people have those too?) but they didn't specify how much, I think they probably trust us all to get it done for when we need to by now. (Or they just don't care, which is a slightly more worrying thought!) It is always good to have guideline amounts for each day though. :smile:

Our teachers recommend us to start revising over easter too. If you wait until April or May, you will have less than 7 weeks to revise. In addition, studying over easter is good, as some exams start in May. Starting now is a good idea as you get at least 10 or more to study depending when your exam is.
Reply 12
I do a couple of hours a day. About 3 on average.
I'm working a lot over the hols, revision will be crammed in between work and post-work relaxation periods.
Coursework should be ending soon as most coursework deadlines are sometime after easter (I think in May time).

It's quite strange that you break up until the 11th. Easter is already over. Most of us are on holiday now, and go back to school on the 11th.

When you are on study leave, would you still study 1.5 hours a day or double the amount? :p:

Well, I've already handed in what should be the final draft of my English coursework, but my teacher hans't got around to marking it yet. We have to hand in our sociology coursework straight after the 2 week break, and I think we've nearly done all the background work for our history coursework, so we should start writing that soon.

I would double it, but I'm pretty sure I won't get any study leave- just cancelled lessons, and it's a nightmare trying to revise at school :frown:
Reply 15
"We were told 3-4 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for GCSE"
Oh dear, do I really have to revise for that long? (Sorry to intrude on this A Level thread). But some people say that 3 hours is too long, others that it isn't enough.
Reply 16
6hrs a day?! Really? I promised myself that this time around I wouldn't leave it till the last minute but I think I'll be pleased with myself if I get 6 hrs revision done in a week, let alone a day!! :p: :smile: How do you fit everything else in?

well i should be able to fit everything in. i dont watch alot of tv, so that saves me alot of time. hmm let me see 24hrs in a day. 8hrs sleep, 6hr revision (but this time includes breaks which are like 15mins). 2hrs video games and 6hrs going out wherever (playing basketball at local courts). 2hrs just buffer time between the activities. but this is just in theory, on a day it never all goes to plan lol
Reply 17
I may try to do 1 / 2 hours a day. Realistically it won't be more than that. I have courseworks to complete and need a couple of lie ins!
Well, I've already handed in what should be the final draft of my English coursework, but my teacher hans't got around to marking it yet. We have to hand in our sociology coursework straight after the 2 week break, and I think we've nearly done all the background work for our history coursework, so we should start writing that soon.

I would double it, but I'm pretty sure I won't get any study leave- just cancelled lessons, and it's a nightmare trying to revise at school :frown:

I'm sure you would revise fine in school. Just don't talk to people. :p: In addition, go somewhere quiet.
"We were told 3-4 hours a day for 3 weeks of the hols for GCSE"
Oh dear, do I really have to revise for that long? (Sorry to intrude on this A Level thread). But some people say that 3 hours is too long, others that it isn't enough.

Revising that long woul be enough. I don't think 3 hours is long though. 5 hours and longer is long! :p: