Wow, I'm in nearly exactly the same situation! Rejected from Cambridge, and now have to choose between unconditionals at Edinburgh and St Andrew. I do like St Andrews more, and it is a better Uni, but I'm worried the climbing will be bad. They look like an active but fairly bumbly club, they might do quite a few activities, but I don't think it's the kind of place that will have really good climbers, guys opperating at the F8a or E5 level, who want to train hard every single day: I get the feeling that most people are in it for the fun, and aren't really bothered about getting good. I don't think they've got the facilities either - I don't even think there's a fingerboard of campus board at the uni, which is going to make it nails to stay fit. I'm not so bothered about the ability of the club to put on amazing trips every now and again and where they go cragging, more about how easy it would be to get something done, however grungy the wall or wherever, on a daily basis. I mean, they run one trip to the Dundee wall aweek, but could I find someone who wanted to go three times a week? In fact I get the impression that St Andrews is about the least sporty Uni in the world, unless you're into golf. And I'd take a 20m whipper onto a RP0 before I put on a diamond pattered jumper.