The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey, if anything bad comes of it, it'll affect me too :smile:
Reply 2
It is possible to die form a Caffeine overdose. Although you'd need to drink quite a lot of coffee (a fatal overdose is about 12000mg and a cup of coffee has about 250mg)
Reply 3
I have about 10 coffee's a day and my health is 'excellent' :p:
my flatmate says "80 mg/L has been associated with death." but I dont understand that :-p he also says "100 cups I'd guess in a day" would kill you.

also, It's not advisable if you have heart problems or start to feel ill or dizzy or cant get sleep because of it.

any sort of addiction can be worrying, because if you cant get that fix, thigns can get nasty.

but I wouldnt say you have much to worry about!
Reply 6
I have about 10 coffee's a day and my health is 'excellent' :p:

If you really have 10 a day, I doubt it.

Drinking lots of caffeine regularly can cause your heartbeat to become irregular.
Reply 7
Is too much coffee bad for you? I know not enough sleep IS bad for you, but what happens if you drink too much coffee?

I drink a LOT of coffee to keep me going to do late night Mathematics (best time to do maths!)

I don't do it all the time, but maybe once or twice a week?

It must be bad for you. I had a load of coke and I'm still up at 8am as I was trying to study. Doesn't mean I actually got anything done though :frown:
Reply 8
too much of anything is bad for you. you can drink a lot of coffee if u want but when u become really dependent on it, thats when u know u need to cut back.
On average i drink about 2 cups of tea or coffee a day, but i feel i have become dependent on it. I went on a detox for a week and was so ill because i couldn't have any caffiene - that can't be a good sign.
How much tea is bad for you?
Reply 11
At the end of the day, youd be better off not drinking stuff with lots of caffeine in regularly at all, so just cut it out, caffeine isnt very addictive at all, you shouldnt even suffer withdrawel symptoms.
How much tea is bad for you?

as much tea as I had last night :hmpf:
Reply 13
At the end of the day, youd be better off not drinking stuff with lots of caffeine in regularly at all, so just cut it out, caffeine isnt very addictive at all, you shouldnt even suffer withdrawel symptoms.

Depends, a lot of people do get headaches and shakes and stuff (though you get shakes when you're taking high doses of it anyway). Keeping yourself hydrated (with water!) is the most important thing.
Reply 14
How much is 'a lot' of coffee? You'd have to drink about 29 cups a day for it to kill you...

I wouldn't worry about it unless you're getting withdrawal symptoms, lol. Chocolate is a good substitute - and a healthier one too, so long as it's good quality.
Reply 15
Is too much coffee bad for you? I know not enough sleep IS bad for you, but what happens if you drink too much coffee?

I drink a LOT of coffee to keep me going to do late night Mathematics (best time to do maths!)

I don't do it all the time, but maybe once or twice a week?

hiya G,
YAY!! i love coffee..
next year..i say we find a cool lil coffee place.. just me, u and other people :wink: haha
Lots of love
Your FIG!
Reply 16
My uncle had a problem with his heart due to drinking too much coffee. He's limited to two cups a day now.
Reply 17
LoL. Ive heard it all now.

Stop worrying about silly little things like this, perrrrrrrrrllease!
Reply 18
Is too much coffee bad for you? I know not enough sleep IS bad for you, but what happens if you drink too much coffee?

I drink a LOT of coffee to keep me going to do late night Mathematics (best time to do maths!)

I don't do it all the time, but maybe once or twice a week?

Apparently if you cut out all caffeine, you'll be able to stay up later and get up earlier and feel a hell of a lot better.

So I guess it is bad for you.

But if you're going to do it, drink lots of water as well, as it dehydrates you.