The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The following site is very good for Health and Social care revision
Andy Walker
The following site is very good for Health and Social care revision

Lol! Yeah i use that one aswell, have you found anymore??
Reply 3
Unfortuntaely it looks like its the only one specifically for Health and Social Care! As I am the webmaster for this site I do respond to requests for greater coverage - what would you like to see?
Oh right, well great website!!! :smile:

The exam units is great on the website but i think you could have some more for the coursework units aswell, but that would be really hard as different schools teach that differently. But overall i dont think you need to change aything on the website.

Also whats really helped me in revising for my unit 1 exam for june is those revision powerpoints that you and your students made, they are really useful!
Reply 5
Glad you like the site
My students found the diagram exercises on the following url quite useful too
There are also some quizzes good for factual recall at the next one!
Good luck with your revision and thanks for the feedback
theres no where to get past papers from
theres no where to get past papers from

i can help email me at [email protected]
Reply 8
my best way of revising is using past question papers and mark scheme from it really helps.