The Student Room Group

Fire drills at school/college

Any of you have any fire drills at school/college often?

I had 2 fire drills in 2 days :eek: Rumours are spreading that the year 11 are breaking the fire alarms for 2 times this week.

We havn't had a fire drill for a long time. The ones happen yesterday and the day before yesterday were the recent ones.

I don't understand why some schools/colleges have fire drills a few times a year.

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Any of you have any fire drills at school/college often?

I had 2 fire drills in 2 days :eek: Rumours are spreading that the year 11 are breaking the fire alarms for 2 times this week.

We havn't had a fire drill for a long time. The ones happen yesterday and the day before yesterday were the recent ones.

I don't understand why some schools/colleges have fire drills a few times a year.

Our fire alarms in halls at uni go off all the time. Last week it was twice in one night, 3am and 4am and again the day after.
Reply 2
Emma Louise
Our fire alarms in halls at uni go off all the time. Last week it was twice in one night, 3am and 4am and again the day after.

I see. I don't think there is no need for fire drills that often though. We know what we need to do anyway.

That's got to be awful waking up so early in the morning just for that. :frown:
people at my schools did set them off quite often for fun :-s or by accident because they were pushed into them by their friends with enough force
Reply 4
people at my schools did set them off quite often for fun :-s or by accident because they were pushed into them by their friends with enough force

That kind of situation happend for the last 2 days in a row. I hate people who do these stuff. In addition, I can't believe they never get caught doing this.
Reply 5
I see. I don't think there is no need for fire drills that often though. We know what we need to do anyway.

That's got to be awful waking up so early in the morning just for that. :frown:

At uni it's mostly because people come home late, usually drunk, decide to cook something and then leave it. So the smoke alarms go off and everyone has to trek outside. Fortunately this has only happened to me once this year :smile:
That kind of situation happend for the last 2 days in a row. I hate people who do these stuff. In addition, I can't believe they never get caught doing this.

I know, kids today etc etc :-D *mutters like an old lady* ^_^
Reply 7
I know, kids today etc etc :-D *mutters like an old lady* ^_^

lol. If the headteacher finds out, they would be suspended. It costs money to replace those glass things for the alarm though.

Our registers are online instead of on paper. When there is a real fire, I wonder how would they know who is here or who is not here. :confused:
Reply 8
People used to set off the alarms in my school and they always did it wen i was on the 7th floor, so i had to walk all the way down to the playground and then all the way back up and the worse thing is, is that they extended the school day for they time we lost !!
Reply 9
_ Santos
People used to set off the alarms in my school and they always did it wen i was on the 7th floor, os i had walk all the way down to the playground and then all the way back up and the worse thing is, is that they extended the school day for they time we lost !!

Extend the school day? You only waste about 5 minutes at least. How long did they extend it for?
Reply 10
At my school once, somebody set it off at dinner on the Thursday, so we had to miss all our dinner, and then the next day it went off again!
Reply 11
i remember a couple of years back when Year 11s kept on pushing the fire drill (was like their last week) and we had one everyday for a week. the school then put in a new rule so you couldnt leave lessons without a card saying why you were out and what time.

that and once someone in the 6th form had a cake with ONE candle on it and the fire alarms went off. no more birthday cakes for us then :frown: also not allowed to use the toaster... they suck.
Extend the school day? You only waste about 5 minutes at least. How long did they extend it for?

Usually for 10 minutes or so sumtimes even 15 minutes. My school was pretty big with loads of floors
Reply 13
8.30 every wednesday morning
Reply 14
At my school once, somebody set it off at dinner on the Thursday, so we had to miss all our dinner, and then the next day it went off again!

For us, it happend in the afternoon when school was almost over.
Reply 15
8.30 every wednesday morning

Why? :confused:
Reply 16
Don't schools have to pay when fire alarms are set off? I was told once, methinks by a teacher, that the school had to pay because fire engines were sent (£100?) even when they were just having a practise drill.

ooh; i haven't had one this year yet...i'll have to look forward to standing in the cold field for 15mins whilst registers are called out :mad:
Reply 17
Don't schools have to pay when fire alarms are set off? I was told once, methinks by a teacher, that the school had to pay because fire engines were sent (£100?) even when they were just having a practise drill.

ooh; i haven't had one this year yet...i'll have to look forward to standing in the cold field for 15mins whilst registers are called out :mad:

Why do the school have to pay?

For us fire engines weren't sent when it's a practice.
Reply 18
Why? :confused:

It's at uni, and they legally have to test the alarms every week. Which they do by setting them off.

It only lasts a few seconds so we don't have to go outside or anything, but it's not a nice way to be woken up
Why do the school have to pay?

well, at my uni the alarms are connected straight to the fire department, as are quite a few places I guess. the alarm going off costs them valuable time.