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Reply 1
I get fussy when people don't say water correctly. Or if they miss out little words ie "I'm going shops"
I think the chances of anyone that speaks like that not hitting me or refusing to be near me for longer then an hour is very slim.
It wouldnt offend me, but it wouldnt charm me either. It hardly suggests eloquence and education.
I had a boyfriend who used to refer to me as his bird. He wasn't a chauvenistic chav, It was meant sort of affectionately/possessively/ironically. Either way, I had no objections. Being someones "b.itch" however, is less cute
Reply 4
I had a boyfriend who used to refer to me as his bird. He wasn't a chauvenistic chav, It was meant sort of affectionately/possessively/ironically. Either way, I had no objections. Being someones "b.itch" however, is less cute

I thought that was just the difference between the Moss Side ghetto (England), and da Wes'side ghetto?
Reply 5
I had a boyfriend who used to refer to me as his bird. He wasn't a chauvenistic chav, It was meant sort of affectionately/possessively/ironically. Either way, I had no objections. Being someones "b.itch" however, is less cute

agreed. It's kinda cute and possesive. Makes me feel slightly dominated :smile: Besides, birds are pretty and small and make beautiful music :smile:
agreed. It's kinda cute and possesive. Makes me feel slightly dominated :smile: Besides, birds are pretty and small and make beautiful music :smile:

Unless you're an Ostrich. Or a Penguin. Or Orville the Duck.
Reply 7
Unless you're an Ostrich. Or a Penguin. Or Orville the Duck.

good point. damn. *is stupefied*
birds dont exactly have attractive legs either ;-)
good point. damn. *is stupefied*

Or a pigeon with rabies (do pigeons get rabies?).

Or one of those crows that pecks people's eyes out.
birds dont exactly have attractive legs either ;-)

*Thinks of Emus*

I see your point.
birds dont exactly have attractive legs either ;-)

What about the rest of the body? If I knew a girl that had any body part that looked anything like a part of a bird I wouldn't go anywhere near her, never mind just the legs.
Reply 12
I don't like it! It's simplistic, possessive and dehumanising. I doubt many men would like it either if we did similar stuff and started referring to our boyfriends as "my dog" or "my living dildo" or "that man who satisfies my sexual needs from time to time"!
I agree, some pet names are cute, some are a bit derrogatory.
Wouldnt mind being called things like "my dear" or even "babe" tho! ;-)
I get "cat" or "kitten" sometimes because I act like a cat and although I think they'd be worried if I grew claws and cat ears, I can see the point and I find it flattering :-)
I agree, some pet names are cute, some are a bit derrogatory.
Wouldnt mind being called things like "my dear" or even "babe" tho! ;-)
I get "cat" or "kitten" sometimes because I act like a cat and although I think they'd be worried if I grew claws and cat ears, I can see the point and I find it flattering :-)

I have been called a cat before for the exact same reason (and my meow is very realistic). As for calling people dear, I think that gets boring, so I call people Elk or Moose.
Reply 15
Yikes!! omg... "bird" *shiver* :eek:

It's simply horrible.
I find guys that call girls 'girl', 'babe' or 'pooh bear' gross. But then again I call everybody 'chicken'
I have been called a cat before for the exact same reason (and my meow is very realistic)

Oh dear...what is it with me and my ability to find cat-people? :biggrin: two of my flatmates and their friend who comes to stay are all cat-like so we sit around and meow at each other. that sounds sadder than I meant it. :rolleyes:
I like cats :p:
Reply 18
I get "cat" or "kitten" sometimes because I act like a cat

what, like purring and coughing up trichobezoars and licking your genitals????
what, like purring and coughing up trichobezoars and licking your genitals????

:biggrin: :biggrin: