The Student Room Group
Reply 1
help please
Reply 2
Yep, you can re-take them, but in some cases it is advised not to. A friend of mine was ill on the day of one of her Biology ones and got a D, but even though her others were A*, they advised her not to do it again because it wasn't worth it, and it wouldn't affect her that much. 2 Bs are good, make sure you have good coursework.
Reply 3
I recently sat two AQA biology modules again.

I had a low B (35/50) in one of them (Maintenance of Life) but upon resitting it, managed to get full marks! Needless to say, I was shocked more than a little bit delighted. I know it doesn't make too much difference to your overall mark but as the six modules combined account for 30% of my grade, I wanted to make sure I give myself the best possible chance. As for the other biology module I resat (Humans as Organisms), I'm not sure how well I did yet but, as I had 38/50 the first time round, it's not going to be a disaster if I haven't performed as well as I'd like.

I found revising for the modules good revision for my actual science GCSE exams as some elements appear in the terminal exam. I feel I understand the topics better now too.

A number of my friends with similar marks to me didn't bother resitting theirs and when my physics teacher heard I'd resat a second module, she sort've rolled her eyes at me. Basically, what I'm saying is, you can get a good result without resitting. Why put the extra stress on yourself? However, if you're like me and want to ensure you'll get the best grades you can, then why not?

I think it's a very personal decision.

Ask your teachers after Easter about it. :biggrin:
Reply 4
I got a low B for one of my Physics ones, and I was wondering about resitting but the teachers wouldn't let me!
Yeah you can retake them. I got 33/50 for moving and feeding. i then re took it and got 30/50. But hte max mark its still carried over! :biggrin:
Reply 6
You could retake those? Damn, I never knew that.
Reply 7
Yes, and your higher mark counts, but I don't think you can take it more than 3 times.
Reply 8
Damn, I could have got A*'s in my sciences as my modules weren't impressive. *sighs* Oh well, A's will do.
Reply 9
Well, I was really disappointed with one of my Physics scores, 1 mark off a C (it was a B), when all my others are mostly A*s with a couple of As. But my teacher said, there wasn't much point re-taking.
If I were you guys doing GCSE, I would be concentrating on the exams instead. The exams worth more than the tests.