The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
You obviously haven't met me. :wink:

Would give you advice but i need it just as much as you.
Reply 2
I dont really know how to help, im a bit procrastinator as well :frown:.... have a bad tendancy to leave things until the last minute
Reply 3
Just think how good lazing about doing nothing will be when you *haven't* got that essay bogging on your mind..
Reply 4
just laze around, everything will work out in the end
lol i do everything on time, but i cud do it so much better if i didnt procrastinate! grrr.....
Reply 6
I'm usually not too bad, but have been terrrriiible at getting things done this week. I'm sat with a pile of work and revision in front of me, but keep refreshing the page here,and then just have to reply to something (like this :rolleyes: ). My Easter choccies are helping my concentration a bit though, so you could try that :biggrin:
trust me...i think most ppl here are slacking off / have slacked off BIG TIME at some point...

like me now :rolleyes: i'm just sick on chem
Reply 8
Isn't that what TSR is here for?to give us something to do instead of work?? I know I've posted on here more in the past week, when I'm supposed to be revising for finals, than in the past 6 months...

The only advice I can give is to keep telling yourself that doing the work will give you a huge feeling of relief and the end result will be worth it. It doesn't work that well, but it's the best I can do :redface:
ten minutes a day, yeah, fine... but i spend a lot more than that...
I procrastinate too, but I always get the thing done in the end, and even when I nearly DONT I still dont learn!
Reply 11
I'm 20 and can safely say I've wasted about 19 years of my life bumming around. I'm pretty sure I'll never do anything worth while or amount to much because I just can't focus and get things done. I'm terribly lazy and don't take the initiative to join in with anything at uni. In a uni full of "joiners" it makes you feel so useless. I find I can't be bothered to do the smallest things and constantly make excuses for myself that I'm busy or overworked when really I wasted so much of my time doing nothing at all. I have no idea how I've ended up like this- it's been a problem for years. I can't even motivate myself to do the things that really matter to me (i.e. work hard to pass my exams and lose weight)

God, that sounds like some rant you do at a psychologist or self-help guru, eek. But seriously- I need help too.
I'm 20 and can safely say I've wasted about 19 years of my life bumming around. I'm pretty sure I'll never do anything worth while or amount to much because I just can't focus and get things done. I'm terribly lazy and don't take the initiative to join in with anything at uni. In a uni full of "joiners" it makes you feel so useless. I find I can't be bothered to do the smallest things and constantly make excuses for myself that I'm busy or overworked when really I wasted so much of my time doing nothing at all. I have no idea how I've ended up like this- it's been a problem for years. I can't even motivate myself to do the things that really matter to me (i.e. work hard to pass my exams and lose weight)

God, that sounds like some rant you do at a psychologist or self-help guru, eek. But seriously- I need help too.

Find yourself a boyfriend. That should help.
I join things alll the time, and if i really like something, i do it really well.... i just cant stick to anything that I dont like. THATS my real problem. If i dont like something, i just dont do it. Which is really bad. Cause as my papa says "Ur gonna have to do things in life u dont like doing", which of course I refuse to believe...but it seems papas preachin may be right.
like when I moved from D.C., I didn't spend two minutes passing by my gym before I moved here to Rome just to tell them to cancel my membership. And I haven't really bothered with it....and they are still charging me 50 bucks a month!
just stupid crap, that I should be doing...maybe right now instead of writing this..hahaha
Reply 16
Find yourself a boyfriend. That should help.

Why would that make a difference? Surely that'd just take up more of my time?
that Samtheman guy is mean. he really loves to criticize people in threads. I think he has a self esteem problem. maybe his mama isn't nice to him. dont worry puppy, u dont need a boyfriend. no one NEEDS a boyfriend.
Reply 18
yep i have the same problem. i do always end up doing the work but i just keep thinking "yeahh i dont neeed to do it now, i could just relax and do it tomorow". i guess my work gets rushed sometimes and i could probably do better if i was more organised, but ive tried timetables and things but i just dont stick to them.

when im "on a roll" in terms of work i can really go at it, like 3 weeks ago when i did 5 hours of coursework solid. thats probably about average for most of you people but its amazing for me!

comedy how some of these people with their AAAA offers from oxford are like "yeahhh im such a procrastinator!"
Reply 19
yep i have the same problem. i do always end up doing the work but i just keep thinking "yeahh i dont neeed to do it now, i could just relax and do it tomorow". i guess my work gets rushed sometimes and i could probably do better if i was more organised, but ive tried timetables and things but i just dont stick to them.

when im "on a roll" in terms of work i can really go at it, like 3 weeks ago when i did 5 hours of coursework solid. thats probably about average for most of you people but its amazing for me!

comedy how some of these people with their AAAA offers from oxford are like "yeahhh im such a procrastinator!"

You can waste time in Oxbridge, they're not all hard-working, just most of them.