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How is your revision coming along?

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Reply 20
Tell me about it! I've got about a week left and I don't know how I'm going to a) relax, b) revise and c) (it's a pity this doesn't begin with a R) go out and have fun. I think it's time I start thinking about prioritising!

It does begin with an R, go out and have fun=Recreation

Edit, quickly!
Reply 21
Tell me about it! I've got about a week left and I don't know how I'm going to a) relax, b) revise and c) (it's a pity this doesn't begin with a R) go out and have fun. I think it's time I start thinking about prioritising!

I've decided to try and do a couple of hours a day, increasing as the exams get nearer and to throw in 100% effort during study leave, :biggrin: i've been sooo lazy during Easter. :frown:
I've decided to try and do a couple of hours a day, increasing as the exams get nearer and to throw in 100% effort during study leave, :biggrin: i've been sooo lazy during Easter. :frown:

don't worry too much - GCSEs are of less importance than AS-A2s which you'll find easier anyway (just doing the ones you like, less subjs etc). Plus, if it makes you feel any better, I was horribly ill in for a couple of months before the GCSEs, and was so ill during them that I passed out the night before my History & Physics exams. I could barely write twas a real struggle!! Of course, because of this my revision consisted of mum reading the stuff out to me the nights before (much of the information i was hearing for the first time, as I'd missed so many lessons). Consequently, everyone expected me to screw up, but despite this I got GCSEs just good enough for my teachers to suggest Cambridge (which you say is where you'd like to go!) so I'm sure that you'll do fabulously!! Just don't stress too much; oh and I wouldn't follow my example as I'm sure you'll want more than 5A*s to improve your chances with universities :smile:
Reply 23
don't worry too much - GCSEs are of less importance than AS-A2s which you'll find easier anyway (just doing the ones you like, less subjs etc). Plus, if it makes you feel any better, I was horribly ill in for a couple of months before the GCSEs, and was so ill during them that I passed out the night before my History & Physics exams. I could barely write twas a real struggle!! Of course, because of this my revision consisted of mum reading the stuff out to me the nights before (much of the information i was hearing for the first time, as I'd missed so many lessons). Consequently, everyone expected me to screw up, but despite this I got GCSEs just good enough for my teachers to suggest Cambridge (which you say is where you'd like to go!) so I'm sure that you'll do fabulously!! Just don't stress too much; oh and I wouldn't follow my example as I'm sure you'll want more than 5A*s to improve your chances with universities :smile:

Wow, well done on doing so well when you were i'll :smile:
Wow, well done on doing so well when you were i'll :smile:

thanks, but it was luck really!! e.g. the only reason i got an A in Physics, after getting Cs for 5 years and despite having done no revision, was that my friend gave me a 2hour crash course in a few parts of it just before the dual award part of the exam (I had to do sep.sci) and by some miracle they were the parts the big mark qs were on :biggrin::biggrin: there's luck for you!!

it just goes to show though: they *are* easier than the Mocks so don't worry!:smile:
i havent done any!!!! :frown:
Reply 26
7 weeks, I feel like I am never going to get it done.
Reply 27
lol,but none.
7 weeks, I feel like I am never going to get it done.

You'll get it done! You already started last few weeks already.
Reply 29
I know, but 7 weeks sounds like nothing, we haven't finished a lot of the syllabuses either.
I know, but 7 weeks sounds like nothing, we haven't finished a lot of the syllabuses either.

You would finish it as you have the subjects everyday for at least an hour lesson time assumingly.
Reply 31
Seven weeks is longer than it sounds, we've all got plenty of time to revise.
Seven weeks is aaaaages!!
Reply 33
I typically don't bother with that sort of thing.
Reply 34
Despite good intentions, my revision progress is terrible. I've maybe done fourteen hours and, to be honest, I don't know how good the chances are of me doing much more. Of course, a lot of the homework I have is actually revising past topics so that should boost it. It's so hard to find the drive to revise when all I want to do is sleep and relax and watch stupid TV programmes and use my computer and do all the things I'm too tired for when I have school (of course, I'm not too tired for sleep).
Reply 35
Our lessons aren't even an hour long, and of course, we have to finish the syllabus before we can start revising! I am going to enquire about revision sessions; the school tells us to revise and sticks posters everywhere but some reviison sessions would help me.