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I'd say Electronic/Electrical Engineering.

Electronics play a key role in today's a life and undoubtedly will in the future, considering how rapidly they evolve.
Reply 2

most health degrees
you guessed it right
Reply 4
the ones you said and science/technology related degrees like Biochemistry.


Lots of banks have shut down though.
Reply 6
Media Studies
Reply 7
With the whole economic crisis, it seems many jobs have begun difficult to obtain these days. What degrees in your opinion still guarantee jobs in the present state of the market.

1. Medicine
2. Dentistry
3. Pharmacy

For me, most health degrees guarantee it as you will always need health no matter what.

Not entirely true,

Anyone getting out of medical school from 2010 is no longer guaranteed a F1 post, leaving you no options in medicine.

Dentistry requires a similar couple of years supervision on escaping dental school, these are apparently getting rather hard to find. Again, without getting this posting you are stuffed.

Pharmacy I think is still pretty honkeydory, but I wouldn't want to do it.
Reply 8
Biomedical Science?

As long as the course is accredited, always seems to be lots of BMS 1 training posts on NHS jobs site. Ok it is not guaranteed, but it has to be easier than other courses.
Teaching & Social Work was my first thought
Reply 10
Lots of banks have shut down though.

notice the face after the word finance.....
Reply 12
Photography, food science, dance.
Media Studies

Photography, food science, dance.


Reply 14
teaching and care work always needs people
Health, Engineering, Pure Science (Chemistry/Physics/Maths/Biochem etc.).
No degree guarantees a job, but the ones with very good graduate prospects are ones like: medicine, dentistry and engineering.

Things like accounting and finance (public/private sector businesses always need accountants even in a recession) and law will always have pretty good graduate prospects IMO. Teaching, too. We need teachers no matter how bad the recession is!
I was under the impression that Law was pretty high. Have I been lied to?
Reply 18
Pure Science (Chemistry/Physics/Maths/Biochem etc.).

'Ecology' has become synonymous with 'media studies' in recent years.
I was under the impression that Law was pretty high. Have I been lied to?
