at the risk of sounding random........doesn't it really annoy you when (let's say in Geography) you're told to write an A4 page on life in Japan. So when everybody hands in their A4 pages, there's always one little prat who goes and gives in four time amount the work asked of them. They get A+ and 'detailed work' while everyone else get's an A. when you read over this person's work it is four pages of rambling, barely skirting over the information that was meant to be included and is hard to read. Why do teachers give them high marks, why?!? The teachers at my school are so annoying, everybody spends just as much time on their work as him but because he rambles and scribbles down endless pages of drivel he gets good marks and teachers think he's put more effort in.
And now I'm using his technique so I'll stop this weird post now