The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Mine are slightly pinker. I don't know why. Possibly it's natural?
Reply 2
If they're all like that, it's probably normal
Reply 3
Come back when they're falling off.
Reply 4
2 5 +
Come back when they're falling off.

lol will do :biggrin:
Reply 5
something to do with blood flow? or lack of it?
Reply 6
Christ! Where have they been?!
might it be because fingertips are really sensitive and so there's lots of blood there? :confused:
mine are slightly pinker too!
you're also typing - blood's stuck in the tips :smile:

does anyone know why it is that girls (certainly nearly everyone i've ever dated) always seem to have such damned cold hands. Why is that!?

I have short stubby fingers (hence lack of musical talent) but at least they're warm!
You have weird fingers. Mine are all the same colour.
Cold hands? Mine are always warm and never clammy :smile: