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secondary science PGCE interview (ljmu) HELP

hi ive just been informed im having an interview at the end of the month for the science pgce at liverpool john moores. my specialty will be chemistry.

has anyone had a similar interview and can anyone give me any advice?

my interview pack said i will have to do the following:

1) a 20 minute precis test (something to do with english apparantly)
2) undertake a short audit of knowledge and skills.

I dont have a clue what to expect or how to prepare, advice please??

Reply 1
Bet you get asked to write an essay on safety in the laboratory.
Reply 2
hi ive just been informed im having an interview at the end of the month for the science pgce at liverpool john moores. my specialty will be chemistry.

has anyone had a similar interview and can anyone give me any advice?

my interview pack said i will have to do the following:

1) a 20 minute precis test (something to do with english apparantly)
2) undertake a short audit of knowledge and skills.

I dont have a clue what to expect or how to prepare, advice please??


I was just wondering how you got on with your interivew and what was involved? I have my interview on the 11th December, and I am also confused as to what is expected of me,
especially when the interview pack states...
"Please prepare to contribute to a group discussion on aspects of a science
topic relevant to Key Stage 3 that present an opportunity to develop “how science works”.

Reply 3
My essay was 'Why should science be taught?'
Reply 4
Hi, i have this interview and presentation in ljmu in a week or so. i really dont know what to prepare for it, especially the presentaion " how science works" does anyone have any advice, id be very grateul. thanks
Reply 5
hey, the best way to prepare for the how science works aspect of the day is to look at the key stage 3 and 4 curriculum as each of those outlines how you incorprate "how science works" into teachings.
basically "how science works" is a concept that promotes practical work, experiements, data interpretation, analysis etc (things involved with gathering evidence).
in December when i had my interview this part of the day took place as a discussion, not a presentation, so the interviewer was prompting us to discuss as a group the pros and cons of "how science works"
hope this helps...and dont worry about it, the lecturers etc are really nice and not intimidating at all!
good luck!
Reply 6
thank you for your help. that does clear it up a little for me. do i need to have a list of points prepared. I keep looking at How science works but im not really getting what i need to know . hopefully ill make sense of it soon. thanks again
Reply 7
Hi Fiona,
How did it go?
I am in the same situation than you "interview for PGCE in Science", pretty lost!! please let me know if they are planning examen us before starting the course! Any interesting books to read in advance?
Many thanks
Reply 8
hi ive just been informed im having an interview at the end of the month for the science pgce at liverpool john moores. my specialty will be chemistry.

has anyone had a similar interview and can anyone give me any advice?

my interview pack said i will have to do the following:

1) a 20 minute precis test (something to do with english apparantly)
2) undertake a short audit of knowledge and skills.

I dont have a clue what to expect or how to prepare, advice please??

Reply 9
hi ive just been informed im having an interview at the end of the month for the science pgce at liverpool john moores. my specialty will be chemistry.

has anyone had a similar interview and can anyone give me any advice?

my interview pack said i will have to do the following:

1) a 20 minute precis test (something to do with english apparantly)
2) undertake a short audit of knowledge and skills.

I dont have a clue what to expect or how to prepare, advice please??


Hey , the interview is grand.
its a very simple english comprehension and some east maths questions. you should look at the curriculum for the group discusion. interview is one to one adn its fine.
Hope everyone's well
I have an interview at LJM for pgde chemistry
Was wondering if anyone could give me any tips please?
I have a group discussion with 4 points to be discussed on the day provided by them and an individual imterview - any ideas how this will be - what interview qs they would ask me?
Also how is the subject audit?
How is the comprehension task?
Plzzzz helppp
Much appreciated
Thank you very much