The Student Room Group
Reply 1
A little more detail on the sitch, perhaps?
Reply 2
A little more detail on the sitch, perhaps?

what if hes a pedo or he mite try sumtin wid mi I DUNNO WOT 2 DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply 3
have a great time :hello:
Reply 4
Do you even know what he looks like/what he does with his time/how old he is? How did you get his address to add to msn or how did he get yours? Do yuo have any mutual aqquaintances? If not, then I'd say it's gotta be a baaaaaad idea to go meeting him on your own!
Reply 5
As a general rule, don't do it unless you have some irrefutable proof that he is who he claims. Even then, meet in a crowded area and don't let him persuade you otherwise. If he wants to meet you for no other reason than company, then he shouldn't mind this. Maybe take a friend?

You ought to inform your parents seeing as you're under sixteen.
As a general rule, don't do it unless you have some irrefutable proof that he is who he claims. Even then, meet in a crowded area and don't let him persuade you otherwise. If he wants to meet you for no other reason than company, then he shouldn't mind this. Maybe take a friend?

You ought to inform your parents seeing as you're under sixteen.

I agree, get some more information. It seems cynical to distrust someone initially but it's just common sense. It's better to be safe than taking him to court.
how did u meet him through MSN (do u mean messenger??) the only people i've met through MSN are friends of friends, everyone else on my list who i've never met are off TSR :smile:
Reply 8
yea i cant remember i woz added in a convo wid him and added him 2 mi contacts