The Student Room Group
I had to write a literature review for my dissertation. It's basically a review of all of the work that has already been done on your topic. I was advised to first of all locate all of the relevant work and then group all of the authors by their ideas (i.e. group them by whether they're liberal or conservative, or whatever groupings are relevant to your topic). Then, compare and contrast the various groups.
If anyone can offer good advice = green parcel will be rewarded in return.

Have you seen any texts specific to literature reviews?
Reply 3
I had to write a literature review for my dissertation. It's basically a review of all of the work that has already been done on your topic. I was advised to first of all locate all of the relevant work and then group all of the authors by their ideas (i.e. group them by whether they're liberal or conservative, or whatever groupings are relevant to your topic). Then, compare and contrast the various groups.

Oooo thank you :smile:

Have you seen any texts specific to literature reviews?

Nope just done a google search and what some have written about it, confuses me more :confused: . . .

I think I will have a bash at it - get all the info i have and try and have a bash at it over the weekend . . .
I think I will have a bash at it - get all the info i have and try and have a bash at it over the weekend . . .

I always see what Amazon has, go from the preview and reviews, then see further details on Google Books and if I need the whole thing I see if the library has it.
Reply 5
I always see what Amazon has, go from the preview and reviews, then see further details on Google Books and if I need the whole thing I see if the library has it.

Ooookey dokey, ta - I will raid the LC (my uni library) tomorrow - see what they have. . .

My gawd . . I have work weeing out my ears . . .anyone else? . .
Reply 6
**Holds arm up in the air** I have a question - but does anyone have any idea as to how to write a good Literature review? . . .I have never done one and the advice my lecturer mentioned kinda confused me. :s-smilie:

If anyone can offer good advice = green parcel will be rewarded in return.

Thanks muchly

DB :smile:

think outside the box. thats all i can really say.
Reply 7
I just finished my lit review...but I've been asked to rearranged some paragraphs...
basically looked up studies and theories, wrote about the pros and cons of each and looked at the gaps in each study/research/theory (the lit review is 3000 words for us, so I had to a read around a long have you guys had to work on your dissertation? We've only had four months!!! which I think is ridiculous....

anyway...good luck :smile:
Reply 8
For my Extended Project lit review, I wrote a ~2400 word essay for the dissertation based on, essentially, the history, science, and 'story' of my topic based on the literature and topics that I found while researching it.
Reply 9
You're not alone in finding a literature review confusing! I did the exact same, googled and googled and ended up more confused :p:

But yeah, as others have said, just a review of everything that has been written on the subject beforehand.
This is what I've learnt when it comes to doing a literature review.. (Taken from one of my modules at the University of Nottingham)

- Symphasise journal articles (Sources of academic information)
- Importance of area
- theoretical base for understanding
- compare- contrast theories
- assumption of theories being used
- critiques- strenghts/weaknesses of theories
- limitations
- methodologies- sample, concepts operationalised
- epistomological stand. e.g. world is socially conducted
- where they've come from

key areas- intro, concepts, theory, methodology, results, evaluate, strengths/weaknesses, problems- how they affect results, and where do we stand.. and to identify the gaps within the literature.

I hope this helps! :smile:
I just finished my lit review...but I've been asked to rearranged some paragraphs...
basically looked up studies and theories, wrote about the pros and cons of each and looked at the gaps in each study/research/theory (the lit review is 3000 words for us, so I had to a read around a long have you guys had to work on your dissertation? We've only had four months!!! which I think is ridiculous....

anyway...good luck :smile:

Thanks for the info . . .im not a 3rd year! . .im a 2nd year . . asked to write a report on a topic of policing (I have chosen Public Order) - its 2500 words and its due in the 27th March (im also crapping buttons) :woo: . . . . .
You're not alone in finding a literature review confusing! I did the exact same, googled and googled and ended up more confused :p:

But yeah, as others have said, just a review of everything that has been written on the subject beforehand.

I wish I hadn't done it now tbh . . .:confused: :woo: . . .I feel like im drowning in work as well - im trying to write an essay on disability and social policy right now, but also trying to think of my other assignments :confused: . .not good! :ninjagirl:
Reply 13
Thanks for the info . . .im not a 3rd year! . .im a 2nd year . . asked to write a report on a topic of policing (I have chosen Public Order) - its 2500 words and its due in the 27th March (im also crapping buttons) :woo: . . . . .

lol...well I hope it all goes well!!
good luck with it :smile:
lol...well I hope it all goes well!!
good luck with it :smile:

Ta muchly . . .

Hope all goes well with your studies too (if you're currently doing any)

Reply 15
Ta muchly . . .

Hope all goes well with your studies too (if you're currently doing any)


thanks :smile:

yeh I am studying
final year of uni...and dissertation is killing me :eek3:
a month and a half to finish it all :woo:
I'm just glad my supervisor is sooo helpful :smile:
thanks :smile:

yeh I am studying
final year of uni...and dissertation is killing me :eek3:
a month and a half to finish it all :woo:
I'm just glad my supervisor is sooo helpful :smile:

We had some 3rd years come into my lec last week - talking about their Dissie- quite amusing tbh; there was one how NOT to do it (he left his to the last minute), then there was another one of how to do it (she started hers from the summer) and then a post grad girl (what she thought she could have improved on and etc) . . .very interesting and all of them said ''its killing me'' . . .

Im dreading starting mine tbh - proposal is going in next week Mon - so i have my fingers, arms, toes and legs crossed that I get the go ahead and that I have a helpful tutor.
Is it ok to reference wikipedia boys and girls, because I'm darn diddily screwed if this is the case. P.S give trilla jermaine trilloski a listen, top artist. Hopefully, my favourite song of his,'don't think you're a g-star' isn't relevant to the final epq grade I hope to achieve!! Toodles xx