The Student Room Group

Glion university in Switzerland

I'm trying to find out a little bit about Glion university.
Does anyone know what it's general reputation is like, how difficult it is to get in, just anything and everything really!

I've been looking at their website, and the facilities, location and opportunities look amazing, but for whatever reason, I also kept thinking that it looked like a university that just attracts the sort of person that was probably sent to Switzerland to go to boarding school and after having been iin the same classes with the children of some of the richest people in the world, now wants a jump start into the business industry? Sort of a meeting point for the children of wealthy businessmen and are there to meet even more contacts?

I don't know. it just seemed a little "country club" rather than academic insitution?
Reply 1
Hm, considering I've lived in Switzerland most of my life and never heard of Glion, I would guess, that it doesn't have much of an reputation, not as an academic institution in any case. But then again, I was never interested in hospitality. Sorry I can't be more useful.
Reply 2
Hi Do not listen to the person above. It is clear that he she has no interest in the hospitality business as glion is the most known together with Lausanne.
I was a student there and you are right that many of the student are like that. you make your own friends however and choose who to hang out with. the connections and network is sooooo big you will not believe it. Also the rich kids are given the same treatment as the others and will serve just aswell as the once with less money. Id say about 15% of them should not be there and fit the discription you gave. The rest is there to work and get ahead! If you need any further help feel free to ask
Reply 3
Hello Monalisasmile,

to be honest I disagree with both replies so far...
I am a glion graduate and yes, I don't think much of it. It has not yet acquired the status of a university. It is only BIG, even MEGA, for those who are related to the hospitality industry, but let me tell you this: when I tried applying to the Université de Genève for an MA degree, I was bluntly told that my BA degree from Glion is far from being accepted as such.
As for the students who go to Glion, well, to me it sounded like a bunch of spoilt kids who are looking for mega rich future partners. Sorry to sound so negative, but I' ve been through hell because of my silly BA degree.
Go to Lausanne. Lausanne IS a university and you can find it among the Swiss universities and institutions that UK universities consider their match.
Institution Country % of Respondents that
Ranked School in
Top 5 Worldwide
Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne Switzerland 50%
Glion Institute of Higher Education Switzerland 50%
Les Roches International School of
Hotel Management
Cornell University U.S.A. 35%
Hotelschool, The Hague Netherlands 28%
Oxford Brooks University United Kingdom 14%
Swiss Hotel Management School Switzerland 11%
Hogere Hotel School Maastricht Netherlands 11%
Institut Hôtelière ‘César Ritz’ Switzerland 9%
ESSEC Hospitality Business School France 9%

That is a league table that I was given by Les Roches when they came to my school to present their course. As you can see Lausanne and Glion seem to be regarded equally by employers so maybe you should look at the qualification that they each give at the end of the course because it all depends on what you are planning to do.
Good luck :biggrin:
What rooms would you recommend in Glion? Single room or studio, or double room? Is there a big difference?
What room do most students choose? Single room or studio, or a double room?
Reply 7
Hello! I am thinking of applying to Glion, however, do they require SAT scores? And what is their minimum required GPA? Thank you!!
Reply 8
I'm interested in Glion and was wondering how difficult it is to get in. Do they require SAT scores? And what is the minimum required GPA? Thank you!!
Hi, you just have to send your IB score or A levels score. They require a minimum TOEFL but it should be okay. Getting accepted in Glion is not that difficult, but most students drop out during internship or semester 2. Goodluck!
Reply 10
Hi RocketZ,

I am also a Glion graduate. When we graduated (more than 10 years ago), me and 2 other classmates decided to continue for a master degree. I had similar problems when applying to the University of Geneva. It could be that they were biased given that Glion is a private institution. However, we were accepted in University business schools in the UK and France, which consistently appear in the top MBA, top master in management and top master in finance rankings in the financial times. At the master level, I did not find any difficulty in the courses studied (which ranged from management to finance & strategy). The same applied to my other 2 classmates who also completed with no problem their master studies. I must admit that Glion bachelor program was very good while the level of difficulty did not differ from other universities' ones (as I realized it when taling to other master students). In this direction, Glion teaching staff's professional experience and academic expertise played a significant role.
Heyyyy I need your help
Hi, i am just started applying for Glion i love in USA, and i want to move to Glion for school if given the opportunity, but cant help wonder how expensive the school is. What advice would you give me??