The Student Room Group
Gods, if there is a risk, it's going to get me too :p: *big yawn*
well, whatever it does to you, I've sure as hell got it! :frown:
I think anyone who is going to answer this thread at this time wont know the answer...otherwise they would be alseep. :p:
Reply 4
Lack of sleep makes you more prone to illness, as one of the main functions of sleep is the restoration and repairing of bodily cells. Also, it can negatively affect ones ability to concentrate, and also make you fatter due to reduced metabolism. These are all I can think of for now....oh yes....and poor memory....did i mention that one?! Hehe...Squid.
Reply 5
Lack of sleep makes you more prone to illness, as one of the main functions of sleep is the restoration and repairing of bodily cells. Also, it can negatively affect ones ability to concentrate, and also make you fatter due to reduced metabolism. These are all I can think of for now....oh yes....and poor memory....did i mention that one?! Hehe...Squid.

Yes, i agree. You cannot actually live without sleep, you can die from lack of sleep (no im not joking). The programmes that you may have seen on TV are not true...i can't remember the name of the programme on channel 4 where they deprived people of sleep...but aparently they did allow them to sleep for an hour or two a day.
Reply 6
It affects concentration, memory and the immune system mainly, I think. There may be other reasons for you not being able to sleep other than your body clock being disturbed, though. Hope it resolves itself soon, insomnia is awful, I know! :frown:
if i dont sleep, i
-feel cold all the time/catch colds and flu
-skin goes dark and oily with bags under eyes
-slurred speech and forgetting what im saying midsentence
-puffy face
-red itchy eyes
-craving sweet sugary foods

i recently caught up on my sleep sleeping 12 hours a day and my skin and eyes are clearer and lighter in colour i look and feel alot different :eek:
however i put on weight more if i sleep alot
Reply 8
I have similar experiences to magiccarpet, though I also experience chronic itchininess ALL OVER, or possibly more sensitivity to it, if I stay up for around 30 hours straight... I also feel cold in some places, but ridiculously warm in others... SO disorientating.

After staying up for around 35 hours or more, I usually start hallucinating and entering a hypnopompic state quite readily, as my body tries to send me to sleep... Its VERY disturbing and I do not reccomend it..

I generally also have a short temper when I dont sleep much...

Though, I think I could live comfortably with 6 hours a night for the rest of my life, 8 is far better for me!!
Reply 9
Failing exams...:frown:
It ****s most people up anyway!

It makes you grouchy as well! grr :eek:
Reply 11
It ****s most people up anyway!

It makes you grouchy as well! grr :eek:

I'm always grouchy anyway. I just turn into a mega-bitch :eek: :evil:
:eek: i'm having that prob... i tried to go to bed a bit earlier last night as i'm wasting half the day in bed... and i couldn't sleep until like 2:30... i've only just got up!! :mad:
Reply 13
nah i think messed up sleeping patterns is gonna b affecting me for a long while, from what these first few terms at uni has shown me!
there's just so much to do, and sleeping isn't a big priority nemore!!
thank goodness for holidays tho...i just sleep all the time...i don't know when the last time was when i saw the morning...
Reply 14
I have similar experiences to magiccarpet, though I also experience chronic itchininess ALL OVER, or possibly more sensitivity to it, if I stay up for around 30 hours straight... I also feel cold in some places, but ridiculously warm in others... SO disorientating.

After staying up for around 35 hours or more, I usually start hallucinating and entering a hypnopompic state quite readily, as my body tries to send me to sleep... Its VERY disturbing and I do not reccomend it..

I generally also have a short temper when I dont sleep much...

Though, I think I could live comfortably with 6 hours a night for the rest of my life, 8 is far better for me!!

I have similar experiences like that but that's appeared after extremely long periods where I was deprived of sleep. I went through my first two years of uni with very little sleep per night and to be honest, I survived pretty well! But after my third and forth, it seems like it finally took its toll. I sometimes get weird fevers like you describe but it seems that just one or two good nights of sleep is not enough to reverse the whole thing.

All you kiddies out there during your first year of uni, watch out! That sleep deprivation might take its toll!
lol, in term times i'm on about 4 hours sleep a night and out of term maybe 6. I know i'm a caffeine addict (prob 12-15 cups of coffee a day during term time) but I know the truth - when I die I won't be worried about being dead.

There was a man who died from a lack of sleep as the part of the brain which induces sleep had been 'eaten away'.He died within a year.

It must have been awful!
Reply 17
lol, in term times i'm on about 4 hours sleep a night and out of term maybe 6. I know i'm a caffeine addict (prob 12-15 cups of coffee a day during term time) but I know the truth - when I die I won't be worried about being dead.


WOAH how many cups! are u crazy? :eek: u gotta cut back ! Why do u feel the need to drink that much!
WOAH how many cups! are u crazy? :eek: u gotta cut back ! Why do u feel the need to drink that much!

well I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't have a few cups before doing anything in the morning - all shaky etc. TBH it isn't a really big worry for me as I don't particularly care about my health.

Reply 19
A couple of months ago, I started the new term at University, a term where I had to share a room. I found out on the first night that my roommate snores. INCREDIBLY LOUD!!! Therefore, I got VERY LITTLE sleep during the last term...nothing worked (I could hear him snoring still through earplugs), and if I woke him up he fell back asleep and started snoring again! :mad:

Eventually you start to get really grouchy, and people start getting annoyed at you because you're never very happy. When it gets bad, I've had the weird hallucinations, waking up in the morning to someone knocking on my door to go to a lecture, and shouting at them saying I don't have any lectures that morning, beleiving it to be true, but I did actually have lectures.

The worst thing about lack of sleep at night is that you try to make it up during the day - therefore missing lectures/school/social events/whatever and so messes your life up! Lack of sleep = VERY VERY BAD...don't do it! (Unless just for one or two nights because you've got an essay due, hehe...that's OK!)