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I think I failed my passport intreview :(


I am serious, I had a passport interview to verify that I am who I am.

Firstly, my hair is longer, so they didn't even think I was the same bloody guy. And then the lady asked me the most stupidest questions ever, lyk what is the DOB of the person who verified you, who the **** knows that, I mean I don't even know my friends' DOB.

They asked me my parents' DOB, and I said the wrong bloody date. They asked me roughly how old I think my mum is, I said 50, when in real she is only 43, so I got that wrong, and when I got home, I had to listen to my mum asking me if she really looks that old. And then they asked me so much details about the application form, and as my dad did all of it, I couldn't respond to anyone of them:banghead:

The lady kept asking so much stupid questions, I just wanted to punch her fat face and tell her that I am the same bloody guy:stomp:

In the end she asked me to sign above the line, I signed it on the line due to being really self concious and nervous, so that was a total failure.

All in all, I think I totally ********* it up:mad:

Has any one here been to one interview lyk this? do u know any one who failed?
What will happen if I fail? will they send me to jail? Do I get a second chance?

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Reply 1
Yeah, my friend got called to a passport interview and said they'd asked him these sort of questions. I'd totally **** it up too. I'm so rubbish at remembering people's birthdays, although I know how old my parents are. Just about.

I dunno, I'm sure it will be fine.
Reply 2
I'm sure they'll have some sort of method for cretins like yourself to get around it.
don't look now, but i do think you're being investigated by MI5. :lol
Reply 4
Remembering birthdays is not exactly a man thing. I wouldn't call it cretinism, more oblivious disregard for dates. I forget my own birthday sometimes.

That said how can you fail a passport interview. Most of the stuff they do goes on under the radar, like no doubt requesting if you have any paramilatiristic history from MI5 or the like. No idea really, but I suspect unless you were born in Ireland and are the son of a prominent terrorist, and have recently been recruited into the CIRA and are on a watchlist, or you are a Muslim on the same sort of lists then you'll be fine.
Reply 5
Yup, you're not the only one. How was I supposed to know my parents date of maridge?!
Anyway, I still got the passport a week later :smile:
Next time make sure you look them really hard in the eye when you say what you say - don't give away any hint that you're unsure of anything (even if you're actually unsure of it / don't know the answer). I had my pasapuerto intervue about a year ago - it was nice.
Remembering birthdays is not exactly a man thing. I wouldn't call it cretinism, more oblivious disregard for dates. I forget my own birthday sometimes.

To be fair I think most men do remember how old their parents are within at least a couple of years.
I've heard that you can get 10 years in jail for failing.
I think it's funny if you completely crack under the pressure and start sweating loads.
Reply 10
To be fair I think most men do remember how old their parents are within at least a couple of years.

I would agree though if you don't know the rough age of your parents you are a bit stupid.

I suppose what they are really looking for is criminals and insurgents. Rather than naive youngsters with a woeful inability to determine age.

10 years is that true! surely you'd have to be in it to pass off dodgy passports to get anything at all?
Reply 11
whats a passport interview for??
this for just gettinga passport/first passport etc....

i aint even got one :tongue: ran out years ago lolz
Next time make sure you look them really hard in the eye when you say what you say - don't give away any hint that you're unsure of anything (even if you're actually unsure of it / don't know the answer). I had my pasapuerto intervue about a year ago - it was nice.

lol I did exactly that, the person interview was a lady, so I thought I could charm my way out of the **** hole, so when i entered I complimented her on her looks etc...but nothing worked. Even though the intrview I tried to tell her that my dad did all the work and I have no idea how the application process works, and the fat **** went on a long rant about how I should know my parents DOB as it makes me unique, and the funny thing is, after the rant she told me she doesn't even know her parents DOB, so wtf:mad:
Reply 13
ray-ban dan
I've heard that you can get 10 years in jail for failing.

oh you cant be serious :biggrin:
Reply 14
I got the majority of birthdays wrong and I still got my passport.
whats a passport interview for??
this for just gettinga passport/first passport etc....

i aint even got one :tongue: ran out years ago lolz

Its for a British passport, I am originally from Sri Lanka.
Reply 16
To be fair I think most men do remember how old their parents are within at least a couple of years.

lol yeah, how can anyone be 7 years out :s-smilie:
Jeez, i would never have known the dob of the person who verified my picture!
Reply 18
Dont worry, i didnt know my place of birth or if my parents were born in England, and i still got my passport!
lol yeah, how can anyone be 7 years out :s-smilie:

I know i am totally embrassed about that.

And after that I had to go though another interview with my mum, she kept asking millions of questions on whether she looks really that old:redface:

I guess I should have done some sort of research before going into this type of thing blindly