The Student Room Group

Exam Stress

i feel so stressed out about my exams, my latin and german exams are next month and im terrified. i just have this panicky feeling all the time, and i feel like im going to fail. i dont think ive worked hard enough during the year, and i only began to revise beginning of march. im not being funny, but i just want to cry.

does anyone else feel like this?

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Reply 1
yes, i was revising in september and i still feel that way.

just be calm and do something to take ur mind of it. its important do go outside and get fresh air etc...makes u think more clearly.
i feel so stressed out about my exams, my latin and german exams are next month and im terrified. i just have this panicky feeling all the time, and i feel like im going to fail. i dont think ive worked hard enough during the year, and i only began to revise beginning of march. im not being funny, but i just want to cry.

does anyone else feel like this?

i was like that with Politics. Like me, you probably lack in confidence of how well you can do. I had been revising for ages, really trying to make an effort to do well for the exam and the day before i had a panic attack because i couldn't remember a single thing i'd learned. It was as if my brain had deleted everything like a data base lol. I was really upset and i thought i was going to fail, but as soon as i went into the exam room, it all flooded back and i knew it. So the bottom line is - don't panic! relax, don't revise the night before or you may end up worrying. What do you mean 'only' since March :rolleyes: lol Don't worry! I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think when you go into the exam hall.
i know how u feel.if i revise to early the day or hours before the exam i become so nervous that i some how forget the basics. of i dont revise too early i end up stressing cos i think there isnt enough time so i dont do much. grrr wining!
Bachs Rescue remedy - I cant reccomend it enough. They sell it at most health shops, its a herbal mix in a bottle with a pipette and you put a drop on your tongue - I cant tell you how well this works. It calms you down, stops you panicking, and de stresses you.
Reply 5
I actually lose sleep around exam time. Night before an exam.. BANG... insomnia. I literally cant sleep until about 3... so if I have a morning exam, I am screwed... though ive survived most thus far. Its so unfair, I just feel like it doesnt happen to anyone else (none of my friends anyhow!) And they just tell me to not think about it so much... Easier said than done im afraid! This summer I might try night nurse... anyone know if that will work??
Reply 6
The Bach Rescue Remedy is about £3.95 I think, but I don't want to have to depend on it. I get very stressed about any test or exam, and just make myself ill because of it. Stupid exams!
Reply 7
I'm stressing abvout my physics exams,I'm scared 24/7 my teacher is at home as she gave birth to a new baby,and we have no substitution i seriously need help,and I don't want to dissapoint nor my self or my parents
^ can you pay to get a private tutor at home or something.. my sister did that when she was at college.
Reply 9
I'e resigned myself to failing.
Reply 10
Meh, I was ok but now I just have a sinking feeling all the time.
The Bach Rescue Remedy is about £3.95 I think, but I don't want to have to depend on it. I get very stressed about any test or exam, and just make myself ill because of it. Stupid exams!

for god's sake. This stuff is just a placebo. the only value it may have is its high ethanol content which will make it a mild vaso-dilater.

Reply 12
Unfortunately stress is just one of those things that comes with exams. The only way I've found you can really avoid stress is to realise that it is totally and utterly pointless!

I'm interested to know Ant, I'm going to read classics at uni, are you?
I have to avoid stress at all costs.. I had a panic attack over my GCSE maths coursework (which now seems so totally small and silly)

I also come out in a rash if i'm stressed :rolleyes:

Just remember one month or one week left you still have time to make a difference to your results. Get revising and you'll feel better...
Reply 14
*sigh* I suppose, but it seems like a never ending cycle of work. Weekends will turn into work days, evenings I will spend at my desk, scribbling away..
When I did my GCSEs, I paniced and got myself so run down that when I had a vaccination I contracted the lovely ME. So guys be careful! I'm now not allowed to be stressed cuz i'll relapse, docs gave me a lovely pill to calm me down but it knocks me out and suprisngly i cant revise whilst knocked out! I can only recommend gentle music, constant breaks and remember to still go out a bit! and plus think of SUMMER BREAK!
Reply 16
Ahhh, summer holiday. I really can't wait, it should be fab. But GCSEs are before it!
LOL I know thats the slight floor to the plan lol!
Reply 18
But I am not going to work over the top, I did that over Christmas and I have never felt so down and ill. So I now know when to stop.
Take it steady! don't overdo the revision cuz end of the day it isnt the end of the day! i missed loads of school last year and came out with good gcse marks so!